
The Kite Runner Research Paper

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The past several years in Afghanistan have changed the lives of Afghan women for the worse. The struggle of Afghan women started when the Taliban took over in the late 1990’s to early 2000’s. So many women are suffering from abuse, rape, and unwillingly marriage that they started secret women shelters. These shelters were made for women that could escape would have somewhere safe to stay. (Karishma Vyas). Men from the Afghan parliament actually want to shut down these safe houses Karishma Vyas), basically making women vulnerable to the man that decides to claim her as his own. They believe that the safe havens for women will just “open gates to social problems” (Karishma Vyas). In the novel The Kite Runner the role of women is an important theme that shows how women lack freedom, suffer from abuse, and are pushed off to the side in Afghan society. The freedom that these women are lacking makes their life miserable and not enjoyable to be living. When the …show more content…

There are very few women in the scenes while Amir is in Afghanistan as a kid and as an adult. Soraya and her family are the only ones you really hear about when they get to America. This shows how women must live in the shadows and cannot just go out and live life like a free woman. No matter what country these women are in, after living in Afghanistan and getting ruled by a male they continue the same lifestyle because they don’t know any other way to live. In The Kite Runner, Soraya shows the mentality that Afghan women just naturally have by moving in with Amir and his father and taking care of household chores and Amir’s father. Amir didn’t even ask her to move in and help take care of Baba, but “her eyes showed Amir that she was thinking that was no way to start a marriage.” (Hosseini 147). This is more of an ethnic feature for Afghan women because it is not taught, but just comes

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