
Gender Inequality

Decent Essays

It is undeniable that gender inequalities issues have become a centerpiece within global politics. Despite efforts in the last decade by feminist activists and politicians to reach gender equality in politics, women are still underrepresented within governments worldwide. Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau said it best when he was questioned as to why he considered gender parity within his Cabinet to be a necessity : ‘Because it’s 2015’ (Warzecha). The aim of this essay will be to defend Prime Minister Trudeau’s decision to implement gender parity as it purports to decrease gender inequalities and because gender parity in itself fulfills the basic values of a democratic state. In order to determine the possible implications of this new policy, it is necessary to determine whether institutions ought mirror society in their political representation. The case of the Rwandan government will be reviewed in order to determine the outcome and implications of a female-majority government so as to determine the benefits of gender parity. Finally I will evaluate the possible flaws behind the establishment of gender parity and how despite those flaws, the Canadian government and governments worldwide ought to establish gender parity as a duty to democracy and future generations.
Parliament is the central Canadian political institution and the main body in charge of legislative decisions - it is therefore evident that Parliament effectively shapes the social, economic and political

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