
Gender Discrimination And The Workplace

Decent Essays

Gender Discrimination

There are many things that a potential employee has to worry about when considering taking a position within a company. Things like the amount of pay they need, the benefits that will be offered to them, the values and morals of the company and whether or not those values and morals align with their own, and if they could see themselves growing within this company throughout the years because no one wants to work a dead end job for the rest of their life. However, along with all that an employee has to worry about, there are also things that they should not have to worry about. Things like equality, fair pay, ADA approved reasonable accommodations should they be required, and being discriminated against, especially based on their gender.
Problem Situation
One of the most difficult things for someone to deal with within a work place is gender discrimination. If we lived in a perfect world, it would not exist, but unfortunately we live in a world where all types of discrimination exist. Gender discrimination happens all around the world and it takes a substantial amount of time to change. Being discriminated against at your job because of your gender is a difficult situation. It can negatively impact the organization by making the work environment uncomfortable. When a gender discrimination problem arises within an organization you will usually also find tension, decreased production, internal conflict, and increased employee turnover, all of which

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