
Gender Differences In Alison's Fun Home

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“Fun Home” examines the relationship between Alison and her father, Bruce, throughout the story. Their sexuality and love for literature make them seem extremely similar, but in Alison’s memoir, it is made known that Alison struggles to have a bond with her father and they have as many differences as similarities. Alison and her father are both queer and wish they were born of the opposite sex, creating a connection between them. Although, Alison and her father can relate to one another’s sexuality, they deal with their sexuality distinctively. Bruce has hid his sexuality his entire life by marrying, having kids, and having secret affairs with young boys. Alison does not want to hide her identity like her father, and made it a point to be open about her identity. Alison carries more masculine traits while Bruce is more feminine. Bruce tries to prevent Alison from showing her masculinity, creating tension and what Alison calls, “a war of cross purposes” (98). Alison wants to wear men’s clothing, experiment with cross-dressing in high school, and “be a boy” (221), but Bruce enforces her to wear feminine clothes and barrettes. Literature creates a special bond between Alison and her father. Bruce was an English teacher and literature was one of the few ways that …show more content…

Bruce, however, used literature to escape from reality. Bruce compares himself to his favorite author and characters who he shares pain and secrecy with. For example, Bruce and Jay Gatsby both want to be someone they are not and live in fictional worlds built on lies. Jay and Bruce use materialistic objects to make their lives look perfect. When Alison says she, “grew to hate the way my father treated furniture like children, and his children like furniture” (14), it shows how her father used objects to cover up his dysfunctional

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