
Gender Differences Between Gender Roles And Women

Decent Essays

Isabella Virga and Sarah Lawrence
Period C The gender of a person determines if they are male or female. In today's society, to some people gender roles are more then just determining if your are a male or a female they determine peoples lives. Gender roles to some people are not just the gender that you are linked to when you are born but the gender that you choose to be. Some females might feel more manly and some men might feel that they are more feminine then their gender that they biologically are. Some people expect females to be more sensitive, supportive, and more passive than males, and some females see males as being more independent, competitive, and more forceful. Some gender roles standards for example in the United States are …show more content…

A RFF phalloplasty stands for radial forearm flap phalloplasty, is a surgery in which the skin and veins from a persons forearm are used to create a penis. Other then the RFF phalloplasty there is another surgery that females who want to become males can undergo to have the full experience. A ALT phalloplasty is a anterolateral thigh flap phalloplasty in which the doctors use the skin and veins from your thigh to create a penis. With all the procedures that a female will undergo to become a man they will also be undergoing a hysterectomy which is a procedure where they remove the uterus, and a oophorectomy which the doctor will also remove the …show more content…

Some people call the transgenders gross, humiliate them, have disgust towards them. For example Bruce Jenner also known as Kaitlyn Jenner. Even though she was famous and very well known, she still got bullied and still to this day is getting bullied. Some people disagree with transgender but if someone else wants to change their gender then they should be able to without anyone else's say in their decision. There's been many other instances where women have gotten bullied since they used to be men and vice versa but women and men have rights. Equal rights to do what they want with their body. Even kids change their gender. 82% of transgender youth say that they feel unsafe at school. 44% of them have at least once been bullied online and 64% of them have had their property stolen or destroyed. You don't just wake up one day and want to change your gender. It's a belief and whether other people understand it or don't doesn't matter. Your decision matters. Another reason people second guess themselves on changing gender is because of the fear of not being accepted by their loved ones and families. It's a bad feeling to feel that you disappointed your family. But again it is your choice what gender you want to be. If your family really cares for you they will want to see you happy and want to see you live your life the way you want too. Yes it is a big change when changing genders

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