
Gender Changing Gender Roles

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Throughout history, gender roles have been changing and the plans are not followed anymore than it has been. Most married couples can develope a share of understanding about who does what in the relationship. Sometimes it can be unspoken recognitions of the division of labor and the responsibilities. A plan for marriage is equally shared between chores and plenty of other duties. We live in a world where no one is perfect. There are different people where they have different beliefs. In 1848 women had no rights until the 1920s. Women and men have always had the same rolls through the years. Men always made the decisions and worked while the women would stay home and do house duties. The men always had to respect the women and their children unless they disobeyed their rules. Although there are divisions of labor between the human affairs, there can be changing in social expectations, which can be reflected in different gender roles at many different times. While I was growing up, all men were employed and women were tended to stay in the household. This meant that not only did the women do housekeeping, but they had primary responsibilities for their children. Now things are more different, most women work now to take care of their kids or to become independent but all responsibilities in the household is considered to be shared between the married couple. Not all the time are the household responsibilities are shared equally. Most of the times the men will still repair things when needed and women still have primary responsibilities to have proper maintenance in the house and the welfare of their children. For instance, my parents take different actions then my grandparents from my mother's side. My parents are more modern but my grandparents are more old fashion. While growing up living with my grandparents, I have always seen how my grandfather was the one bringing in the source of income and making all the decisions in the household. He was very strict and really old fashion. He will always depend on my grandmother to take care of him, cook, clean, take care of the kids and many more. My grandmother depended on him everyday to make money and pay the bills. She never worked a day in her life, so she

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