
Gay Marriage And Homophobias And Stereotypes

Satisfactory Essays

LGBTQ individuals are second-class citizens in America.

From the colonial era to modern times.

Even though the percentage of people who support/accept gay marriage has gone up according to Gallup polls, the rights of LGBTQ people are still limited compared to their heterosexual counterparts. In my home state of Arizona, it is legal to fire someone for their sexuality. The heteronormative, cisnormative systems of oppression on LGBTQ people have been instituted in every level of life.

We are never taught in school about gay marriage; we are never given sex-ed about homosexual relationships; we are not to even think about the possibility of sex. Simultaneously, American culture has instilled homophobia and transphobia in children through their parents’ prejudices, through tv/internet content, and through the words their friends use. The word faggot has existed since the 16th century and still echoes in the tongues and walls of schools all around the country. …show more content…

The luxury of living without explanation and pretext is not given to LGBTQ people; we need to be proud, to succeed, and to thrive in brazen rejection of the persecution of those who would revel in our

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