
Gatesburg Recycling Research Paper

Decent Essays

Today going green and fighting for cleaner resources and land is a big debate in Gatesburg. It is a long battle that can never be won, however the importance of how we treat our Earth is beyond comprehension for some though. I choose to go green. The benefits outweigh the costs. "Americans already recycle at a high rate, which is around 95% of lead-acid batteries and 70% of steel cans and newspapers." States, "No Recycling Laws for Gatesburg." There is never to high of a rate on how we conserve our resources. It's good to note we as a nation do well with lead-acid batteries and steel cans and newspapers, but what about all the environmentally unfriendly things that slide through our garbage into our landfill, especially the plastics. …show more content…

"The goal is to reduce the amount of waste we add to the county landfill by 90% over the next five years." Says, "Going Green for Gateburg." In as little as five years with the proposed laws, the city of Gatesburg would minimize their added waste almost entirely. The law is simple and easy to follow, it would take a great amount of stubborness to not abide and agree in favor of the law. In regards to those benefits the city also will follow the example of Phoenix, Arizona, which has made more than 500 million dollars a year by selling it's recyclables. The benefits of a cleaner environment, more income for the city of Gatesburg, and healthier lifestyle for how we discard our garbage are all for a positive outcome. If the city of Gatesburg has any sense for it's future generations and environment they will come to agree with, "Going Green for Gatesburg." It is important that we conserve what we have so that we do not continue to destroy

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