
Gaius Julius Caesar: Bona Dea Scandal

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Gaius Julius Caesar was born July 13,100 B.C. He died March 15, 44 B.C from being stabbed thirty-two times. Julius Caesar had quite a few wives he married Cornelia, Pompeia, and Calpurnia. Julius’ children were Augustus, Caesarion, and Julia Caesaris. In 84 B.C Julius married Cornelia until she died in 69 B.C. In 67 B.C Julius married Pompeia. In 65 B.C Julius Caesar was elected Aedile. In 63 B.C. he was elected Pontifex Maximus Chief religious officer. In 62 B.C Julius divorced Pompeia followed by the Bona Dea Scandal. In 61 B.C Julius Caesar he became the Governor of Spain. In 60 B.C Caesar becomes Consul and forms the Triumvirate. In 59 B.C. Julius won the election to become the Consul which is also the highest office in Rome.
In 58 B.C

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