
Was Julius Caesar Right Or Right

Decent Essays

Julius Caesar was a great man and the general of a Roman army. In 49 BC, he marched his roman army over the Rubicon and took over Rome. After which, he had himself made dictator for 10 years. Which was later extended to dictator-for-life. In 44 BC a conspiracy group was formed, led by Marcus Brutus and Cassius Longinus and involved 60 senators. In march 44 BC, Caesar was murdered by said conspiracy group under the accusation of attempting to making himself king. Which was a taboo in the Roman civilization. (Barlow, 2018)

Were the conspirators right to murder Julius Caesar? The sources suggest that Julius Caesar did indeed have the intention of being king. This was a taboo against the Roman republic as it went against the republic’s idea of individual freedom. However, I would argue that even before Caesar’s rule, …show more content…

However, sources imply that they had other selfish ulterior motives and their reasoning for the murder given to the public was only a cover-up to hide their true ulterior motives. The senate was made up of aristocrats. The introduction of laws such as Caesars law was popular amongst the common people as it increased their property. However, aristocrats had their properties reduced such as in the case of Cicero “my own property was actually reduced by Caesar’s law.” (Cicero Letter ex. 1). Furthermore, as highlighted before, aristocrats held most of the power in the Roman republic through the use of force. When Caesar came into power, that power was taken back by Caesar. Thus, it would not be unreasonable to think that the conspirators true motive of the murder of Caesar was in an effort to return power back to the aristocrats. The senates did not really want to protect the Roman empire from an autocracy rule instead they wanted to return the power back to themselves. When compared to the senate’s selfish desire, Caesar would have served Rome

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