
Fx Shootings

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Last Friday, authorities were called to a property in Australia after shoots had been fired; taking the lives of seven individuals, the case has been designated as a murder-suicide case. It was before dawn when police were called and arrived at a property in Osmington, Australia. It has been reported that they found one of the adult bodies outside, another inside the main house and a third adult and four children inside a shed. They were a family and resided in the property of the murder. The community has responded with sympathy and fear and the family members are devastated. However authorities claim there is no reason to belief the case does not pose further danger to the community—they are not looking for any suspects because they have …show more content…

He discusses that the gun laws in Australia prohibit any common person to own a rifle or shotgun, only farmers are allowed to own them because they need them for their farms maintenance, such as for killing injured livestock. The report from both ABC and FOX vary in their way of handing out the events information; ABC appeals to the audience's emotion and FOX tries to emphasize the importance of gun reform laws that inhibit these types of massacres and shootings. FOX & CNN In spite of both news organizations CNN and FOX focusing on the logos rather than pathos, the two reports differed in their motivations; CNN was giving the facts just to make news and inform viewers whilst FOX wanted to emphasize what their point of view is about shootings. Both reports do cover the main details of the event and they both refer to the Port Arthur Massacre of 1996, however they do so with different intentions. CNN reporter Euan McKirdy is simply relating information to the audience without wanting to persuade one way or another or appeal to emotions. He includes the 1996 massacre to provide background information on the last worst shooting occured in Australia before this Friday's, to emphasize the importance of the event. On the other hand, FOX reporter Dom Calicchio mentions the 1996 massacre in order to be able to discuss the effectiveness of Australia's gun laws. He is attempting to persuade the audience into the broadcasters believes that gun laws are needed in order to prevent these shootings as they have in Australia. Particularly he mentions the support given by former president Barack Obama in order to link the gun laws to this nation. CNN plainly presents

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