
Regression Analysis: Optimal Portfolio

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FNCE90051 Fundamentals of Portfolio Management Assignment Cover Sheet Name: Yaoting Ouyang Student Number: 727926 Part A: Optimal Portfolio Construction Figure 1: Sets of investment opportunities Figure 2: Figure 3: The SML Part B: Regression Analysis Figure 4: CAPM Regression Regression analysis: According to the CAPM model:R_i=α+βR_m+ε, α represent the abnormal return gained by the portfolio. If the market is efficiency, the α has to be zero. In this case α=0.482421 which reflects that the performance of this portfolio has outperformance against the market portfolio. But the market portfolio should perform better than any others portfolio if the market is efficiency. Further, α has a 2.70807 t-stat which is larger than 1.96 that suggests the intercept is significant at the 5% significant level. Moreover, the p-value of the intercept is 0.00692 which is less than the 5% significant level therefore α is significant. However, the R Square of this regression is 0.5939 that means only about 59% variable can be explained by this regression. This result show that the CAPM model lacks some factors or information to explain these variable. Figure 5: Fama & French Regression Analysis Regression analysis: According to this Fama & French three factors model, there are two more variable added into the regression model. They are SML factor (the return of small cap companies minus the the return of large cap companies) and HML factor (the

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