Freshman year is the most important year in high school because it determines your future in school and what it beholds. This year can help with so much in school and it can basically determine your whole entire future in school and even in life.There are so many little things that can be determined while you are a freshman and that's why I think it’s the most important year of your life if you do indeed want to succeed. One of the biggest reasons why 9th is actually so important is peer judgement and how you are looked at. If you fail 9th there is a lot of punishment socially. For one, many people won't respect you and feel that you are a failure or that you are a lazy, lazy human being. This is such a monumental thing because it can almost destroy your social life all through high school, which can result in you falling into a vicious cycle of failing and getting bullied. Freshmen year, as well as social punishments it also builds you for the future and is almost like the training camp for the upcoming Junior SAT’s. To pass these huge tests you have to be consistent, responsible and social. You aren't just born superb at everything, you have to undergo hardships and struggles to be the best you can possible be. Freshman year really determines …show more content…
If you wanna be a sloucher and be unsuccessful, then failing 9th is the option for you. But if you wanna be a doctor or a dentist, etc you really have to show that you want to do those things by working your hardest in school and trying your very best to be the best person you can be. Freshman year can bring that out in you and really show everyone what you really are and what you really want to do. Freshman year is the year that you show everyone what you want to be and how you want to be seen and that's such a monumental part of your
In Walter Kirn’s essay, Class Dismissed, he argues on the point that he believes senior year is “not an indulgence but an which [seniors] crave tradition. [For some] it amounts to a fidgety waiting period that practically begs for descents into debauchery and concludes in a big dumb party under a mirror ball that spins in place like the minds of those beneath it.” He goes further into bringing up the economic benefits and how it was a way to “shave off millions from the cash-strapped state’s expense sheet.” In some ways, yes, senior year could be considered a waste of time and be better off non-existent. Although, I do not believe that you should spend what would be your senior year in high school, in freshman year of college.
Each individual has a variety of opinions regarding high school. Two people couldn’t reflect the same way because of differences in choices and experiences. I would advise them to focus on their grades from the beginning, but not let them take over all aspects of their lives. Staying organized and learning to manage their time will make classes more manageable. Having good relationships with your teachers could prove to be beneficial in the long run for scholarship and college application recommendation letters. The rising freshman class
Many students dislike their educational environment and lack effort. However, school may possibly affect their future. In Michele Willens, “Ninth Grade: The Most Important Year in High School” the author discusses on the importance of ninth grade on students and its effects. Willens describes how lack of effort or age will determine whether a student will drop out or graduate.
We should be aware of how fortunate we are to be in an environment where we can gain knowledge and demonstrate performance while challenging ourselves. Eager to learn, I completed two science courses in the first year of high school. Then, continuing to strive for academic excellence, I enrolled in honors and advanced placement courses, as well as college classes. Ultimately, attending high school teaches the lesson that education is beyond grades; it is about developing character, and
Ninth Grade is not the most important year of high school, you can do much better if the first year of high school didn’t go so well and you can boost your grade up by catching up. Senior year is more important since seniors often have the freedom to take more specialized high school classes, like electives, and can take advantage of AP and other challenging top-level courses. Although they have that freedom to choose their classes, without the learning experience of how to fit in. I have gotten this information from a cite that explains the importance of High school. Link is
Graduating early can be a difficult decision and you could be missing some memorable moments in your high school experience such as, going to prom and graduation with your friends you've known since you were five, enjoying things with your original class, and leaving all your friends behind. Graduating early can also be very beneficial in the long run. I believe it's a good idea because it allows you to start college early, get ahead in the workforce, and prove to your parents that you are responsible. Yes it is a huge challenge because you are pushing yourself to the top to excel in different areas in a shorter length of time than many regularly would. If you can stay on top of your grades and this is something you want to do and just believe,
Sophomore year had ended, and my summer had just begun. After a long wait to gain permission to go on a backpacking trip. My father gave me the approval. I took my love for the outdoors and began to explore it even more.
Freshman year, the year of many first; the first time living away from home, the first time being away from friends, the first time a student has control of their own learning. Freshman year requires a lot of discipline, but a lot of students do not possess this trait. The factors that contribute to the success of first year college students are social support, comfort within the college environment, self control,responsibiliy and positive self concept.
Entering high school is the beginning of a whole new learning experience. Transitioning from middle school, high school presents more classes, students, and a bigger campus. It brings new expectations and responsibilities to each of us. High school also offers fresh chances to make new friends, try new sports and activities, and really explore who we are as individuals. The goal is to maintain good grades, score high on the SAT test, and keep a positive attitude so colleges and universities will accept you. Of course it's not as easy at sounds, but it's achievable. It requires a lot of work and dedication to every subject. Some students breeze their way through while others live in misery trying to pass their
In high school, junior year is typically labeled the hardest year out of the four. There are many different factors that increase the amount of stressful thinking that goes
In freshmen year you learn how to becoming more responsible, take care of you belongs, and learn the value of time. During that point in life you’re trying to explore your interests and having someone older share with you their experience helps you explores yours. They can help your inner dancer, artist, musician, or actor come out and grow. You receive inspiration, help and guidance from others that you wouldn’t from your own peer. You get diverse answers and help form others. High school is all about time management and
Freshman, sophomore, and junior year of high school could never compare to senior year, though these were the years that molded me! I learned about boys. I experienced my first heartbreak. I got great advice from instructors I will never forget. And those years taught me how to forgive, but never
Grades is an important thing in high school. Actually, one of the most important things because if you want to go to a good college, you need good grades.
The time in high is what will make my character and change how i see the world. The real lessons are learned in high school and in the job world so the next two years i need to learn it all so i can be prepped for the world ahead of
As a teenager in high school, you go through many life changing experiences. Beginning as a young freshman to soon be one of the most empowered kids at school, also known as a senior. Senior year is the year you decide on the story of your life past this point! As a freshman, my mind always revolves around the question what year throughout High school is the most significant for the future ahead? I personally believe 9th grade is definitely signified as the most effective part of your future because that’s the beginning of your life as a teen, determines whether you can handle the next grade or not, and setting goals at the beginning.