In California today, there are a lot of plants and animals populating the region. The Environmental Protection Agency states “French broom (Genista monspessulana) is an invasive shrub from Europe now abundant in California”(EPA). Though French broom does not sound imposing, the problems it has caused are copious. If French broom is not stopped at an early stage, it can grow rapidly and have drastic effects. Today, the effects are becoming more and more unmanageable because it is deleterious to the environment and other species. All of these reasons can make the issue of French broom quite a pressing one, especially now more than ever.
French Broom is an invasive plant that crowds out other forms of plant life. Unfortunately, the habitat in
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It is clear that the natural locations where it grows can be a wide variety, which, again, is not beneficial for the removal of French broom. In addition, French broom is found specifically in the Bay Area region in California and Southern California. In these places, the invasive plants are growing quickly and crowding out other plants, causing many native plants to become endangered. Also, they are causing fires and many other undesirable …show more content…
Although it may not seem so extreme, it may actually be the cause of the extinction of plants and animals in the surrounding ecosystem. In fact, humans are contributing to this problem by planting it for its colorful appearance. Due to these startling effects, the French broom snafu must be solved.
There are many reasons why this is an issue that is threatening others. Firstly, French broom kills off other plants and animals, which is the reason that a great deal of species are dying. French broom also sucks out all the nutrients from the soil, which is harmful for other species of plants that are struggling to grow. However, French broom is a threat not just to plants and animals, but to humans as well. For instance, it can cause wildfires by overcrowding and drying out the area. These invasive plants can also affect the climate of certain areas, which is a factor causing global warming and temperature
The major negative effect of invasive plants is that they replace the native plants. Other negative effects of invasive plants are reducing native wildlife habitat, reducing forest health and productivity, altering the ecosystem, and degrading recreation areas. These plants should be removed immediately because they grow and reproduce rapidly, meaning, that they grow a lot faster than the native plants and more in abundance. They also affect the native plants by competing aggressively on resources. To resolve the problem invective plants is by removing them and adding more native plants. Also, another way to stop invective plants is by not planting them in new
It can dominate certain areas and create a homogenization of florals by suppressing native plants (Kuhn and Klotz 2006).
Currently, the sagebrush ecosystem is rapidly declining across the Western United States, with over 350 associated plant and animal species at risk of being lost and imperiled. The main reason for the sagebrush decline is the steady encroachment of cheatgrass and pinyon-juniper. The invasion of these plants are fueling larger and more frequent fires that are out competing sagebrush as well as the associated grass species that are native components of the ecosystem, taking over much land that sagebrush once occupied. Cheatgrass was introduced to North America through contaminated grain seed, straw packing material, and soil used as ballast in ships sailing from Eurasia in the late 1890’s and is now the main culprit behind sagebrush decline.
The successful application of these rules does not depend only on the effort of an individual country, but also on the effort of surrounding countries. European Union has created EU Regulation on the prevention and management of invasive alien species in 2014, based on prevention, early detection, eradication, and management. Nevertheless, the past efforts to prevent and eradicate invasive species are not always productive. Within the European Union, UK is one of the countries which have made significant progress in the suppression of invasive species (Sambrook et al.
Originating and found from countries near the Mediterranean, the French Broom was brought to California, more specifically the Bay Area, as a decorative plant in the 1800’s. The plant grows rapidly, with thousands of seeds being produced every year, especially through the months of April and July. Seeds scatter more than 10 feet away from its plant, and animals scatter them away even farther. French Broom prevents native plants from growing and reproducing. For example, the article explains, “It is a strong competitor and can dominate a plant community, forming dense monospecific stands” (“Invasive Plants”). Eating the seeds has also been known to cause paralysis and digestive disorders in animals. The seeds can also survive in icy and chilly
Beginning in the mid sixteenth century, French explorers were able to establish a powerful and lasting presence in what is now the Northern United States and Canada. The explorers placed much emphasis on searching and colonizing the area surrounding the St. Lawrence River “which gave access to the Great Lakes and the heart of the continent”(Microsoft p?). They began exploring the area around 1540 and had early interactions with many of the Natives, which made communication easier for both peoples when the French returned nearly fifty years later. The French brought a new European desire for fur with them to America when they returned and began to trade with the Indians for furs in order to supply the European
The St.Lawrence river is a large tourist attraction for northern New York. With invasive species being introduced to the river and the land surrounding they have affected the way the river looks and the species that are in it. Any plant or animal found outside of its normal range is considered to be invasive to the area it is now located. There has been an estimated 163 invasive species that have been discovered in the Great Lakes and the St.Lawrence since the late 1800’s. Of the 163 species that have been unintentionally introduced to the area, 85 of them reside in the St.Lawrence river. The variety of non-native plants and animals in the St.Lawrence river and surrounding land have had a continuing negative effect on the native ecosystem.
An example of an invasive plant includes the Canada thistle. The Canada thistle harms the environment because it, “crowds out and replaces native plants, changes the structure and species composition of natural plant communities and reduces plant and animal diversity… prevents the coexistence of other plant species through shading, competition for soil resources… through the release of chemical toxins poisonous to other plants” (Canada). The Canada thistle’s only special way of harming the surrounding environment consists of poisoning the plants that surround it. Otherwise the Canada thistle does not have any special ways that it harms the environment. People brought the Canada thistle to the United States in the 1600’s. By the year 1954, Canada and the United States of America declare the Canada thistle as a “noxious weed.” However now many consider the Canada thistle as an invasive plant (Canada). The Canada thistle has many ways that you can control it. You can cut it by hand, pull the plant out, burn them, or use chemicals to kill these plants. The best way to get rid of the Canada thistle encompasses using chemicals. If you do not have any chemicals to do this job you can always cut the plant down to the ground, and when it regrows do this again until the roots become exhausted
Invasive species come in many forms; they can be plants, animals, insects, fish, fungus, organisms, and bacteria. Invasive plants are those which cause environmental, economic and human harm and originate from another area or region. They are a complex and difficult problem to tackle. There are more than 4,000 plants species found in Florida, of those 1300 or more are non-native or invasive. Many invasive species are taking over Florida’s waterways disrupting their natural ecosystem by outgrowing and replacing Florida’s native plants. Relieving the damage they cause is not easy, but scientists and members of the communities being affected are finding that it is achievable, as long as everyone works as a team to address the issue.
Biodiversity boots ecosystem productivity where every little species plays an important role in maintaining a healthy community. Maintaining a viable habitat requires lots of efforts, determination and frequency. Invasive plants are a major threat to our natural environment. These invasions change the natural diversity and balance of ecological communities. They threaten the survival of many plants and animals. They are excellent at surviving and reproducing which out-compete the native plants. Understanding these huge consequences let us understand why volunteer activities like this are so helpful and needed. They play a huge part in contributing to our environment in many positive ways. Removing these invasive plants are helping a lot in restoring the habitat and giving native plants greater chance for survival. As time went by, these efforts will slowly help cleaning our atmosphere, providing our environment with fresh air and improve health effects in human (Sagoff,
The lifestyle in France, just like in all other European countries, has changed dramatically since the early 1700’s. People went from farmers to factory owners to all of the professions of today’s society. The main reason for the great changes in lifestyle that occurred in France was the Industrial Revolution, which urbanized most of France. But the Industrial Revolution was not the only thing that changed France. The monarchy fell the church changed, and the role people had in their jobs and family life change drastically.
Currently, an invasive species, phragmites, is under management in King Rail inhabitation areas such as the Walpole Island First Nation, Point Pelee National Park, and St. Clair National Wildlife Area. To remove the phragmite, its extensive root systems should be targeted to prevent the plant from growing again from its
Influence on ecosystems range from human causes like the bulldozing of a forest to natural causes like a fire or a flood. In recent times, the introduction and spread of invasive species has transformed native communities rapidly and, in some cases, created irreversible damages. In the Earth’s history, changes have often occurred in the ecosystems. For example, glaciers and the retreat of glaciers cause wide-spread changes. However, although change is a constant in ecosystems, animals and habitats often cannot adapt to the rapid alterations of non-natural stresses. Harm to the environment from the introduction of invasive species occurs through changes in the habitat and declines in the native species. Invasive species
“Some invasive plant species threaten the population of trees and bugs in the local area” . The emerald ash borer, like the Asian long-horned beetle, probably arrived in the United States in packaging carried on cargo ships or airplanes which came from Asia.
Cheatgrass is the common name for the species Bromus tectorum L. and belongs to the grass family Poaceae (USDA 2015). This invasive plant was originally reported in eastern North America but now it is dominant in the Intermountain West (Huttanus 2009). The genetics of 192 North American populations of Bromus tectorum is studied so far (Huttanus 2009). Cheatgrass grows mostly in coarse texted soils whereas it cannot develop in saline or compacted soil (USDA 2014). In addition, it can invade rapidly in troubled areas such as burned areas, overgrazed rangelands, and cultivated fields. The spreading of the plant to shorter distance occurred as a result of transportation of hairy seeds by wind, birds, water, and to greater distance by vehicles carrying seeds in its undercarriage (USDA 2014).