
French Broom Essay

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In California today, there are a lot of plants and animals populating the region. The Environmental Protection Agency states “French broom (Genista monspessulana) is an invasive shrub from Europe now abundant in California”(EPA). Though French broom does not sound imposing, the problems it has caused are copious. If French broom is not stopped at an early stage, it can grow rapidly and have drastic effects. Today, the effects are becoming more and more unmanageable because it is deleterious to the environment and other species. All of these reasons can make the issue of French broom quite a pressing one, especially now more than ever.
French Broom is an invasive plant that crowds out other forms of plant life. Unfortunately, the habitat in …show more content…

It is clear that the natural locations where it grows can be a wide variety, which, again, is not beneficial for the removal of French broom. In addition, French broom is found specifically in the Bay Area region in California and Southern California. In these places, the invasive plants are growing quickly and crowding out other plants, causing many native plants to become endangered. Also, they are causing fires and many other undesirable …show more content…

Although it may not seem so extreme, it may actually be the cause of the extinction of plants and animals in the surrounding ecosystem. In fact, humans are contributing to this problem by planting it for its colorful appearance. Due to these startling effects, the French broom snafu must be solved.
There are many reasons why this is an issue that is threatening others. Firstly, French broom kills off other plants and animals, which is the reason that a great deal of species are dying. French broom also sucks out all the nutrients from the soil, which is harmful for other species of plants that are struggling to grow. However, French broom is a threat not just to plants and animals, but to humans as well. For instance, it can cause wildfires by overcrowding and drying out the area. These invasive plants can also affect the climate of certain areas, which is a factor causing global warming and temperature

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