
Freedom Of Choices In America

Decent Essays

Freedom of choice is one the most valued things in America, but should you be able to choose to be unhealthy? I think that this question cannot be answered by a simple yes or no. Your health is your choice, but it is much more complicated than that, because we have that political freedom to make good or bad choices, we are financially able to be unhealthy or healthy if we wanted to be, and we are educated on the consequences of being unhealthy.
Firstly, in America we have the freedom to make all kinds of decisions and it is one of the most important things in our lives. We do not have rations and we are not forced to buy and food. We are able to buy almost any food we want and consume it at any rate we deem appropriate. This means that the government doesn’t have any control over what we eat. People like it this way …show more content…

Sometimes though when you are a child or teenager you make decisions without thinking about the long term impact on your health, because they think that the impacts will not be as severe, they will not be affected, or the long term negative impact is outweighed by the short term positive. An example is the fact that I never use my locker and I choose to carry all my books around in my backpack making it very heavy. I am told be my family that it may cause me to have back problems when I’m older, but I shrug them of, because I think that that will not happen and that I would rather have back problems when I am older than have to use my locker every day.
In conclusion, health should be your choice, because we are allowed to make good or bad choices, being unhealthy or healthy does not impact our financial state significantly, and we know what will happen to our bodies if we are healthy or unhealthy. You are responsible for what happens to your bodies based on your health

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