
Ban The Ban ! And Soda's A Problem

Decent Essays

Today, many individuals face challenges when it comes to making decisions. However, it is crucial for people to understand the importance of making their own choices in life. Obesity is a pressing health issue that demands attention. While it is important to address the issue, it is crucial to approach it with education rather than government mandates. Two compelling stories titled "Ban the Ban!" and "Soda's a Problem..." sheds light on this idea. In "Ban the Ban!" by Sarah Hepola, the author explores the controversy surrounding a ban on smoking in public places. The story highlights the importance of individuals taking personal responsibility for their own choices. the author presents a compelling argument against government intervention in personal health choices. The story highlights the unintended consequences of government mandates and suggests that individuals can make informed choices about their health. For example, in paragraph 2 the author argues, “If, despite all those efforts, someone chooses to have a sugary drink anyway, that is their choice and their right.” This emphasizes that education, rather than punitive measures, is the key to promoting healthy behaviors. Additionally, in the same paragraph the author …show more content…

The story acknowledges that soda consumption can contribute to obesity, but emphasizes the need for individuals to make informed choices about their diet and lifestyle. For instance, in the text in paragraph it highlights the importance of education, providing individuals with the necessary tools to make healthier choices. The author elaborates, “. But the mayor’s initiative goes further than something like a soda tax, which might aim to discourage people from purchasing something by making it cost a bit more but leaves the decision in their hands.” Illustrating the importance of a personal

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