
Freedom In North Korea Essay

Decent Essays

The fundamental freedoms are a rule that gives people the right to speech, association, assembly, religion and movement. The freedom of movement is the right to travel freely and lawfully within a country or to leave or enter at any time, although this may be restricted under certain circumstances. Within Australia, the freedom of movement is protected as you can freely travel anywhere you want unless you are a possible threat to Australia or where ever you want to travel. This freedom is protected in Australia but within other countries, such as North Korea, this freedom is violated. In North Korea, not only the freedom of movement but all other freedoms are violated. The freedom of movement is violated because it is illegal to leave the country without the regime's permission unless you have a specific purpose and have obtained permission from your work unit. Even within North Korea, …show more content…

They fear harsh punishment or even death if they are caught and forced back into North Korea, but many don’t have the resources or contacts to get themselves out of China. Their illegal position forces them to work in hidden industries and leaves them vulnerable to exploitation by dishonest employers and sex traffickers, as they have no alternative to any authorities. Although North Korea violates the freedom of movement, the regime is slowly starting to sell people to other countries and work there. The regime takes the majority of the worker’s wages, but jobs at foreign companies are still keenly wanted by North Koreans. For example, the Kaesong Industrial Complex, an economic co-operation zone where South Korean companies hire North Korean workers, is spreading awareness of South Korea’s economic and technological progress through North Korean society. North Korean workers are paid well to work with South Koreans, producing goods that are far superior to anything produced by North Korean

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