
Franz Kafka's Metamorphosis Essay

Decent Essays

A young man named Peter Pan once said, “The moment you doubt whether you can fly, you cease for ever to be able to do it.” The same ideology relates to the theory that explains how Gregor Samsa turned into an insect in The Metamorphosis. There isn’t much concrete evidence to explain how magic works or how Gregor turned into a bug however, Franz Kafka’s novella, The Metamorphosis, is able to reveal the underlying truth behind Gregor Samsa’s past, as he now lives his life in the form of insect. He spends his days working as a traveling salesman to pay off his parents’ debt whilst disregarding his own. The life Gregor Samsa lived was more than just pure psychosis, instead magic was able to alter the reality he lived by manifesting itself into …show more content…

Magical Realism is strongly portrayed within The Metamorphosis by displaying a range of various aspects that can only be distinguished within this genre. We are introduced to Gregor Samsa in the form of a bug, which was nothing more than a representation of the miserable life he lived. This use of objectification portrayed a larger than life element that cannot be put into words. His repetitive lifestyle had slowly began turning him into workaholic with no expectation of living his own life. Gregor’s transition from human to a bug had broken the harmony between his mind and body, with having the desires of a human interfering with the necessities of an insect. His sense of feeling was different from before “_______________” His life as a human was gradually slipping away right in front of him. Change can be both good or bad, but for Gregor, it took change for him to realize that maybe he wasn't living the life he deserved to. As for his parents, they changed their narrow minded point of view and began working, while his sister found a way to occupy her time by caring for Gregor. It seems as if this turn of events had a acted as a silver lining in Gregor’s life. Yes, he may have turned into a bug but at the same time, all of his hardships and worries have been

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