
Franklin D Roosevelt Character Analysis

Decent Essays

Three of Franklin Delano Roosevelt’s strongest character traits were great charisma, intelligent and well-educated, and determination in overcoming adversity. His charisma made him popular among citizens, leading them to vote for his presidency for four terms. His determination allowed him to overcome hardships, both personal and worldwide. In July of 1921, Roosevelt contracted poliomyelitis, or polio. Though he mostly recovered, he was paralyzed from the waist down, but he did not let his disability prevent his mind from thinking clearly. An example of determination during his presidency was when he came up with the idea to help the economy heal and bring America out of its Depression. His intelligence and being well-educated allowed him to be an efficient politician, a smart economist, and make good decisions for America. These strong character traits made him an attractive candidate. …show more content…

For instance, Roosevelt was overly self-confident. He did not prepare his vice president, Truman, for presidency, “keeping him ignorant of the most urgent matters” (281). After Roosevelt died on April 12, 1945, Truman had to be advised on political matters by other government officials in order to take over as president and make the final decision to use the nuclear bombs on Japan. Roosevelt also tried to defy the Constitution by requesting Congress to pass a law. This law stated that the president could “add a new justice for every one who refused to retire after the age of seventy” (132). FDR would instantaneously be able to appoint six new justices. However, he was overridden and eventually appointed his justices through deaths and retirements. This episode proved that he could not be entirely trusted to not abuse his presidential

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