
Fourth State Of Matter Summary

Decent Essays

When composing a piece of nonfiction, the author sometime run into a dilemma that could make their work a masterpiece or create a scandal that could ruin their career. Controversies run deep in the creative nonfiction genre because of the way author uses different aspects of fiction to enhance their writing. As we were going up, we were told that lying is not a good thing to do. We were told that lying will always get you in trouble but is that always true. Some author create lies in their story because they want to better improve their story so that they could captivate the mind of their reader. As time went by, readers of nonfiction continue to raise speculation that the article they were reading wasn’t true to it word. James Frey for example, …show more content…

Written by Jo Ann Beard, “Fourth State of Matter”, is a story based off of Beard experiences in a local shooting. Throughout the story, the readers was captivated by the way that Beard describe the shooting. They was immersed by the well detailed information that she had given them and was astonished by how she retold the shooting. At first, the reader could believe her story because they thought she was telling the truth but there is a secret that Beard almost hid from the reader. If not read over with a hawk eye, the reader would have missed one very important detail that prove that she was lying at the moment. In the last scene of the story, one dialogue really stood out the most. It was a dialogue between Jo Ann Beard and Chris Goertz. The reader wouldn’t spot the lie at first until they realize that Goertz was already dead. It is likely that Jo Ann Beard also made that last scene up to invoke a response from the reader. She wanted to see what their impression will be. In true honesty, the last scene could be a way for Beard to emphasize how she felt when she received the new that her best friends had die. The position of the last scene and the way that Jo Ann Beard wrote the dialogue made a lasting impression on the readers. They was captivated with the story and became emotional like Beard did. Despite those made up events being in their respective stories, Sedaris and Jo Ann Beard action were justified because it gave the reader a fascinating stories to

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