
Force and Motion

Good Essays


Ronald Steven DuBois

5th Grade

St. Michael's Catholic School



1. Abstract

2. Introduction

3. Background Information

4. Procedure

6. Data and Observations

7. Results

8. Conclusion

9. Bibliography


I thought it would be fun to fling things like raw eggs and rocks with a catapult. Guess

what, it was! By flinging these items I tried to find out if heavier things would travel farther than

lighter ones. Basically how force effects motion.

With the catapult as the force, I sent items soaring, after weighing them, and then

recorded how far the items travelled. This showed me how Newtons Three Laws of Motion


Force …show more content…

Collect items around the house.

2. Assign the items letters.

3. Weigh the items on a scale and record the results.

4. Measure out 40 feet in the yard with tape measure

5. Spray paint lines for each foot.

6. Conduct experiment with catapult pulled back to 180 degrees. (All the way back)

7. Record the results in log book.

8. Conduct experiment a second time with catapult pulled back to 90 degrees. (Half way back)

9. Record results of second experiment in log book.


My dependant variables are the amount of force which is shown by how far I pull back

the arm on the catapult. My independant variables are the items and their different weights

which represent mass/weight..

My experiment shows how my independant variables are effected by my depentant

variables as to force and motion.


DATA AND OBSERVATIONS FEET TRAVELED _________________________ M_________________________________________ __35
__________________________ M_________________________________________ __34
__________________________ M_________________________________________ __33
__________________________ M N_______________________________________ __ 32
__________________________ M N_________________________________________ 31
__ B ___________________ L_M N____ ____________________________________ 30
__ B_

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