
Food Insecurity Research Papers

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Jones, Sonya J., and Edward A. Frongillo. "The Modifying Effects of Food Stamp Program Participation on the Relation between Food Insecurity and Weight Change in Women1,2." The Journal of Nutrition 136.4 (2006): 1091-4. ProQuest. Web. 14 Sep. 2016. In this entry, the authors discuss that food insecurity is linked to obesity in women. The authors add that weight gain could be a result of stress because they are not food secure. Additionally, researchers conclude that the women must purchase cheaper foods that obtain more calories. Overall, this article focuses on food insecurity solely in women. This article is not bias because the authors provide statistical data to support their claims. This article is also very relevant …show more content…

ProQuest. Web. 15 Sep. 2016. In this article, the authors analyzed different studies to investigate the causes of food insecurity. The studies concluded that physical and mental disabilities, stress, and financial problems all contribute to food insecurity. On the other hand, they found that education is not directly related to food instability. This journal entry is pertinent to my paper because it gives details about food insecurity and the reason it occurs in families. The authors are not bias on the subject because of the proven evidence from the research. I will use this source to justify the causes of food insufficiency in my paper. Barrett, Christopher B. "Measuring Food Insecurity." Science 327.5967 (2010): 825-28. JSTOR. Web. 16 Sep. 2016. In this article, Barrett begins by defining many terms that are necessary to understand the meaning of food insecurity. The author then starts to investigate how many people globally suffer from not getting the nutrients they need. Many surveys were taken to provide a rough estimate of food-insecure families; the author informs readers of the surveys and the

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