
Food Industries : The Overconsumption Of The Food Industry

Decent Essays

Food Industries Throughout the years food industries have become the primary source of food production, consequently causing diseases. Food industries promote themselves as “improved” or “less fattening” to provoke the audience to buy their products. In reality the effect that the overconsumption of the junk food does is cause obesity, hormonal change, respiratory issues, and plenty other health issues. Worldwide, there are people that are not educated on food industries and the chemicals or drugs used to be able to make excessive amounts of produce. Most food industries are lobbying and use that advantage to keep others quiet about their disease causing product. Even though food industries produce what is demanded, all that production comes with a consequence. When a person is deciding on what to buy from a product based off farm industry, they need to be aware of the dangers they could be exposed to. According to Jonathan Foer, food industries inject their farm animals with drugs and chemicals (Foer, 130). Society can purchase organic food if they fear becoming obese or having other health issues, but they cannot be completely sure it is organic if most of food production comes from industries. Regardless these farmers are aware of the damage they are doing and prefer to keep labels away from any food item. A Forbes article expresses the fact that what really needs to be done is to be disclosed on the substances that our food contains, nonetheless provide the

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