Food Industries Throughout the years food industries have become the primary source of food production, consequently causing diseases. Food industries promote themselves as “improved” or “less fattening” to provoke the audience to buy their products. In reality the effect that the overconsumption of the junk food does is cause obesity, hormonal change, respiratory issues, and plenty other health issues. Worldwide, there are people that are not educated on food industries and the chemicals or drugs used to be able to make excessive amounts of produce. Most food industries are lobbying and use that advantage to keep others quiet about their disease causing product. Even though food industries produce what is demanded, all that production comes with a consequence. When a person is deciding on what to buy from a product based off farm industry, they need to be aware of the dangers they could be exposed to. According to Jonathan Foer, food industries inject their farm animals with drugs and chemicals (Foer, 130). Society can purchase organic food if they fear becoming obese or having other health issues, but they cannot be completely sure it is organic if most of food production comes from industries. Regardless these farmers are aware of the damage they are doing and prefer to keep labels away from any food item. A Forbes article expresses the fact that what really needs to be done is to be disclosed on the substances that our food contains, nonetheless provide the
The food industry has been a big impact to people's lives by changing the way they feel, the way they are on weight and the appearance they show after eating the unhealthy products. In the article “When a Crop Becomes King” by Michael Pollan there is a quote that explains “To keep it well fed and safe from predators we douse it with chemicals that poison our water and deepen our dependence on foreign oil.” this means that some food products are covered with chemicals so insects won’t be be around it. Pollan let his readers know the truth behind the scenes with unhealthy food products to show that we should not eat at fast food restaurants since it is not real nutrients and healthy to your body. Most people do not know the kind of chemicals there are in the foods at any place you go because they do not research the supplements that are in them, they do not care and just eat what taste good to
People must make a living, right? The food corporations are making their living the same as any other corporation does. All successful companies modify their products and services to fit what the consumer wants. In this case, that means that the food companies must figure out what most people like and then they modify their products to those qualifications. Other than the selling of products and services, it all depends on the consumer. The consumer should be able to limit his or herself. At a young age, it’s drilled into our heads that all things are okay in portions, hence the reason we are told to limit our kid's time on electronics. The same goes for eating the products sold by these large junk food corporations. A person must eat out of necessity, but large junk food corporations do not provide the nutrition needed to keep us healthy, which should deter us away from these types of foods. All in all, this makes the growing obesity problem the
Michael Pollan says in his argument that the western diet is chiefly to blame for a majority of health deceases, he says “the scientist who blame our health problems on defiances of these micronutrients are not the same scientist who see sugar-soaked diet leading to metabolic syndrome and from there to diabetes, heart deceases, and cancer” (421) Due to all this negative impact to our health Pollan says that the food industry needs new theories to better redesign processed food and the medical community to make new drugs to beget deceases.
In the article of How Junk Food Can End Obesity, David Freedman, the contributor editor at the Atlantic and Inc. Magazines, lays out a “they say” that then frames his argument. He states that making processed food healthier can contribute to the battle of the obese in our society. Freedman also says that the food these companies are cooking are making people sick and how it is destructive to an individual’s health. For instance, in the reading, Freedman states a quote from Michael Pollan, a journalism professor at the University of California at Berkeley, “It is one of the reasons that we have the obesity and diabetes epidemics that we do… If you’re going to let industries decide how much salt, sugar and fat is in your food, they’re going to put in as much as they possibly can… They will push those buttons until we scream or die.” In other words, Pollan believes that we constantly let people put all of these things in our foods but no one is stopping it.
With the sales of organic foods rapidly increasing in recent years, jumping from $1 billion to $21 billion in just eighteen years, it is important for consumers to be well-informed when choosing either organic or inorganic (Bradbury et al, 2014). These products, with labels boasting claims such as no artificial fertilizers or pesticides and the use of ecologically friendly farming techniques, have become somewhat of a trend since their arrival in the early to mid twentieth century. As the public becomes increasingly cautious of what they eat, concern has been growing regarding the adverse health effects of ingestion of pesticides and artificial fertilizers in food products. It is not surprising, therefore, that perceived health
Behind all the corn, the processing, and the food that results, is the man in charge: food corporations. Because of food corporations greed for money, processed foods have escalated out of control, causing a serious health epidemic: obesity. Michael Pollan, also author
In Michael Moss’ article, “The Extraordinary Science of Addictive Food,” he discussed multiple methods food industries used to attract consumers to buy more of their products. He mentioned how multiple CEO’s of food companies discussed the health epidemic. He revealed, “Today, one in three adults is considered clinically obese, along with one in five kids, and 24 million Americans are afflicted by type 2 diabetes, often caused by poor diet”(476-477). Basically, Moss is stating that millions of Americans are at risk of or have type 2 diabetes because of the unhealthy choices in their diet. Similarly, in David Zinczenko’s article, “Don’t Blame the Eater,” Zinczenko blames food industries for the health epidemic. He stated, “But where, exactly, are
The transcontinental railroad system would come to be a huge network of railroads laid out across the North American continent, most famously known for connecting the eastern part of the U.S. railroads with the Pacific west coast area. The greater transcontinental railroad itself consists of several railroads projects, the first of which were the Union Pacific and Central Pacific Railroads, and later, the Northern Pacific, Santa Fe, Great Northern, Texas and Pacific, and Western Pacific projects would follow suite. All of were approved for construction shortly after the Civil War. Prior to the war there was some skepticism towards the railway system.
In order to establish eating the healthiest foods possible, any individual can shop for organic foods that have “organic” labels on them. Organically grown foods have an immense amount of pure nutrients and healthier ingredients than GMO food. This high-quality alternative accomodates a healthy and safe lifestyle. The ultimate gain of health is indulged by considering a wise decision such as consuming organic foods and products. Diverse organic produce generates health benefits that outweigh the price premiums associated with it. Due to countless usage of unadapted chemicals, crops are evidently damaged and captivated with extremely toxic pesticides and insecticides. Recently, GMO foods have severely
The American food industry, just think about what you eat for a minute, where do you think it comes from, how do you think it is made, what do you think it is made out of, how many ingredients are in it. Most people would not give it a second thought, mostly because they do not want to know what they are putting in their body. The fact is not if you eat one McDonald's cheeseburger you will die it is that you should at least know what you are putting in your body, then you can make your own choice if you still want to eat it.
The Old Man and the Sea is a fictional story written by Ernest Hemingway about an elderly Cuban fisherman named Santiago, who ventures out to sea to catch fish to sell in the city of Havana. The story takes place after the eighty four day unlucky streak that the old man had not catching fish and being looked down upon by many of the younger fishermen in his village, referring to him as salao, which was the worst form of unlucky. Despite this quickly gained reputation by the younger fishermen in the village, a young boy from the village named Manolin, who Santiago had taught to fish when he was very young, remained loyal to him and continued to greet Santiago each day after returning from fishing, and also helped him carry his gear and sail back to his hut each night. Manolin used to fish with Santiago, but after forty days of not catching fish, Manolin was ordered by his parents to fish on another boat in the village, which was regarded as a “lucky boat.” However, Manolin continued to help Santiago with various duties, such as catching bait, bringing him food, and looking over him each night. In fact, Manolin was so loyal to Santiago that he offered to defy his parent’s orders and fish with Santiago again, in order to help him end his unlucky streak. But Santiago refused his help and told him to remain on the current boat
Our food wars a much make up as actors (Berry 232). Berry expresses that the food industry wants little to do with our health but more to do with volume and price of their product. As scales increase, diversity declines when this happens so does health. From there the dependence on drugs and chemicals becomes necessary. Food advertising leads up to believe that what we eat is good, tasty, healthy and guaranteed to give us a long life (Berry 233).
Traditionally, the fast food industry has been associated with the cause of this health-related issue (Boyle 2004). Major fast food companies have been called to Federal Government summits to improve the quality of junk food (Wright 2007). While most of these major companies have now taken
Power is an addiction. The less one has the more they desire. Addiction controls the body’s actions, and there is no way to stop it. Macbeth by Shakespeare contains details on the murder of the King of Scotland. Macbeth kills the king in order to fulfill a prophecy, and his mindset shifts from good to evil. Ultimately, he is beheaded for his heinous crimes. Nero, the last emperor of the Julio-Claudian dynasty, commits crimes punishable of death in order to exemplify his power. He kills his mother, step brother, friends, and innocent people in the towns in order to get exactly what he wants. Nero is betrayed by many people because of his careless action, and he commits suicide to protect his pride. Macbeth and Nero both use ambition, greed, power, and deception to secure the highest positions in their lifetimes.
Companies, people eat more fatty foods than ever before. Companies spend an estimated $10 billion dollars marketing food,