
David Freedman How Junk Food

Decent Essays

In the article of How Junk Food Can End Obesity, David Freedman, the contributor editor at the Atlantic and Inc. Magazines, lays out a “they say” that then frames his argument. He states that making processed food healthier can contribute to the battle of the obese in our society. Freedman also says that the food these companies are cooking are making people sick and how it is destructive to an individual’s health. For instance, in the reading, Freedman states a quote from Michael Pollan, a journalism professor at the University of California at Berkeley, “It is one of the reasons that we have the obesity and diabetes epidemics that we do… If you’re going to let industries decide how much salt, sugar and fat is in your food, they’re going to put in as much as they possibly can… They will push those buttons until we scream or die.” In other words, Pollan believes that we constantly let people put all of these things in our foods but no one is stopping it.
Freedman believes we can stop this situation by using certain tools and strategies to make processed foods healthier, yet have the same taste to everything. He states in the reading, “If the food industry is to quietly sell healthier products to its mainstream, mostly non health conscious customers, it must find ways to deliver the eating experience that fat and problem carbs provide in foods that have fewer of those …show more content…

This is because people can only for themselves, for instance, when we go to McDonald’s or Burger King, none of us go for the healthy foods like salads, they go for something that will satisfy their taste buds and what they crave. People are the only ones who can change their diets and how they eat. Any company that decides to reduce fats, carbs, calories, and salts, the ingredients still remain the

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