
Flu Vaccination Case Study

Decent Essays

Health care can be an extremely sensitive topic, as many people have reservations over what treatments work and do not work. One treatment that has spark debate is the effectiveness of flu vaccinations, and the possible outcomes, especially for the elderly. In the Case Study “Healthcare Obligations: Personal vs. Institutional,” Dr. Jones faces several moral and ethical issues concerning flu vaccinations. One of the main issues concerns informing patients about the relative effectiveness of the vaccine and whether or not they should get it. According to the British CDC, the rate of effectiveness for flu shots were less than a quarter and that they offered no significant protection. There is also blood test that could assess whether the flu …show more content…

As a physician, it is her job to keep her patients well informed about the procedures they receive and the potential effects that it may or may not have. However, after becoming aware of the case, Dr. Jones has become wary of administering flu shots, especially to the elderly, and has been forced by the hospital have one done herself or she would lose her job. The main issue she faces is either following her moral compass or doing what the hospital tells her to do. As her ideologies do not quite align with the hospital, her best option would be to leave the workplace and look for another job; however, she may not be likely to do that as it can be difficult to acquire employment. If she chooses to stay and follow her morals by not getting a flu shot and fully informing the patients about the dangers she read in the study, it could negatively impact her as the administration will more than likely fire her. Furthermore, the American Medical Association may take note of this and may make it harder for Dr. Jones to find new employment. However, it she does as the hospital says, and does not fully inform her patients about the flu shot, she could potentially jeopardize his or her health. In Dr. Jones’ case, she may rationalize that as the patient’s doctor, she knows what best for them and provide them with the information, but to the extent to where they are still likely to take it. Also, as most institutions mandate vaccinations, she must get the vaccine herself in order to stay

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