
Flow Assurance For Deep Water Production

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Flow assurance is a term created by Petrobras in the early 1990s aiming to ensure successful and economical flow of hydrocarbon stream from reservoir to point of stream. Wells located in water deeper than 1200 feet require flow assurance. Deep water temperatures can get down into the thirties depending on the depth of the well. Because of the low temperatures the fluid within the wells may have issues flowing. Some issues could be hydrate, scale, corrosion, and asphaltenes. The best way to combat these issues is to install chemical injections. Chemical injection pumps such as a low dose hydrate inhibitor (LDHI) could be used to prevent complications caused by hydrate. Corrosion inhibitors can also be used when wells have experienced corrosion that may have occurred due to water. Corrosion inhibitors coat the inside of the walls of the pipes. Asphaltenes can be treated by using an asphaltene inhibitor. Because of the steadily evolving industry, flow assurance for deep water production is becoming increasingly more important. Flow assurance is made successful by flowing the strategy, PI3, Proficiency, Integration, Implementation, and Improvement. Without flow assurance, deep water wells would not be able to produce oil.

Flow Assurance

When thinking about how all this oil and gas gets from the platforms in the gulf to land to be produced, you will run across the phrase, “flow assurance.” Flow assurance is what makes sure these oils and gases get from

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