
The Tragedy of September 11, 2001

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11 September 2001 On September 11’th 2001 on the morning hijacked by 19 Arab men 4 aircraft were all heading towards California, and used them as suicide missiles. They flew into the World Trade Center two twin towers, the Pentagon and after a long struggle with passengers crashed last down on a field. World Trade Center consisted of seven buildings, three of the buildings collapsed and the four others were damaged by the other collapsed. It is believed that the 19 Arab men, was led by the Egyptian Mohammed Atta (1968-2001) 5.
The first plane was hijacked, was a Boeing 767, American Airlines Route 11, which had 92 passengers on board. The second plane, United
Airlines Route 175 had 65 passengers on board. The third plane, American Airlines route 77, 64 passengers on board and the fourth plane, United Airlines Route 93 had 45 passengers on board.
2749 people died in accidents, including office workers, managers, chefs, waiters, cooks, police, fire, and paramedics.
The critical moment
A plane, American Airlines Route 11, with 92 passengers on board, was hijacked by four Arab men with knives, led by Mohammed Atta. On the ground heard the air traffic controller them say, "Do not something stupid. There will not be put to any. We have other planes. "
A second plane, United Airlines Route 175, with 65 passengers on board, was hijacked by five Arab men and armed with knives. During the struggle, to take over the plane, the stack a member of cabin crew down. A female flight

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