
Flexible Working

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Module Code: FC512 Class/Group: Group 3 Module Title: Skills for Study Assessment Title: Report Assignment Title: Analysing the feasibility of SMEs in the UK introducing flexibile working arrangements. Tutor Name: Debora Brito Student ID Number: 2253710 Date of Submission: Monday 9th May 2016 before 2 pm Content 1.1 Introduction——————————————————————————3 1.2 Background——————————————————————————3 1.3 Presentation of requirements——————————————————-4 * 1.3.1 Effects on employees————————————————————-4 * …show more content…

1.3 Presentation of requirements In the following article will analysis the advantage and disadvantage of flexible working arrangements for employees and employers. In addition also analysis flexible working arrangements in small and medium-sized enterprises. 1.3.1 Effects on employees For employees, a total of 7337000 people work in flexible working arrangement in 2015 April to June(ONS,2016). Therefore, flexible working for these employees have a lot of effects. 1.3.2 Effects on employers Most employers (96%) offer some form of flexible working , flexible working has brought many benefits to employers and also improve their company’s interests. The most commonly offered form is part-time job, which occupy 88% in all form of flexible working(CIPD,2012). 1.3.2 Flexible working in SMEs Small and medium-sized firms (SMEs) have the fact that 94 per cent of all private sector firms in the UK have less than 250 employees. These company’s also use flexible working arrangements to recruit employees.(PSI,2006). 2.0 Analysis 2.1 Analysis of

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