
Flaws In The Odyssey

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“Failure is the key to success; each mistake teaches us something,” said by Morihei Ueshiba. These wise words couldn’t be more accurate, in order to succeed it must be earned and worked for. The Odyssey’s main character, Odysseus, is an excellent example of the words brought to life. In the epic poem, the Odyssey, Odysseus’s character flaws and heroic qualities send him on a whirling journey that ultimately leave him successful.
Voyage leader Odysseus experiences personality weaknesses that pave the way for predicaments. First and foremost, Odysseus has difficulty communicating with his crew members. When he receives the bag of winds from Aeolus, Odysseus fails to tell his crew about it. His crew opens it thinking its gold and silver, but then end up farther away from their destination, the island of Ithaca. On the other hand, Odysseus tells his crew not to eat the cattle of the sun god. They are disobedient and do it anyways, which leads me to believe that he should have better …show more content…

This leader shows loyalty to his men. When his crew eats the lotus flowers causing them to lose the desire to return home, he does not leave his men behind. Odysseus forces his men to get on the ship and refuses to leave without them. Also when Circe turns his men into swine, he persuades her to change them back to their normal form. Odysseus is also very wise, in the Trojan War it was his idea to use the Trojan horse. He knew not to tell his men about Scylla and Charybdis, for they would be extremely fearful and not want to pursue the mission. Odysseus is also very crafty and strategic. In the spur of the moment he came up with plan to get out of the Cyclops’s cave. Odysseus tricked the Cyclops into thinking his name was “Nobody,” and then figured out a way to escape. Another occurrence was when his ship wrecked, he crafted a raft out of the broken pieces of his ship and

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