
Flaw Wang Analysis

Decent Essays

In the story, “Flaw,” Wang delivers a very light hearted text to read. But, in this text Wang connects a lot of the story together with details of the weather that help us connect the events. Wang uses the weather to describe how the narrator feels about the problems, while also displaying the narrators growth throughout the story. For example, the narrator opens up each problem or event that occurs with the description of that moments weather and season. Although the events occur on separate days in different seasons the problems occur always on a sunny, hot day. It seems like the hotter the weather is the bigger the problem may be and the more emotional and grown the narrator will become. Wang starts off the pattern by incorporating in details of the weather, “…night passed and day broke. In the early morning mist, the owners of the small grocery stores, still unlike their counterparts in the city, …show more content…

On this summer day we find out that the dressmaking shop owner stole a hundred and fifty thousand dollars from clients, workers, and friends, and ran off. Here the weather is used to describe how he feels. The “white-hot sunshine” is used to portray the anger and heat he feels for the woman in the following scene when the narrator finds out the lady stole the money. This goes on with the narrator going off to the roof where “the sky above was a soft quiet blue” (27), thinking about the impact the women created on him, his family, and community. The soft quiet blue here is used to describe his emotions as his anguish dematerializes and his emotions clear up to reveal the sorrow he now feels towards the woman. The narrator then uses the mist and clouds to describe the sadness he displayed that night when he realizes that he had been deluded, “The scene in front of me got misty, and I discovered that my eyes were filled with tears”

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