My Grandfather’s clock is wrong. He built it. For many years he exhibited it in his home. After he passed away, it was relocated to another state, notwithstanding, it’s still erroneous. All that time no one perceived it except me. I always attempt to figure out new and interesting concepts and visual patterns, especially in math. From an early age I taught myself binary and used it for my secret codes. My family mostly rolled their eyese and walked away, when I tried to explain it. When I talked about complex numbers for about 9 months straight they started groaning. My younger brother stopped talking to me when I started on quaternions. Nonetheless, when my family has no interest, I have enjoyed pursuing this knowledge on my own and find joy in the discovery. As long as I can remember, I have …show more content…
It was originally written as a satirical novella on the Victorian hierarchy and culture. The book explores the idea of hypothetical creatures that are confined to a two dimensional plane. It employs the fiction of two dimensional characters escaping the plain as an analogy for rising above the thinking of the day to move onward to the future. Not only did the book help me with “out of the box” thinking, it also triggered an interesting train of thought on what the world would be like if we went from three spatial dimensions to four. In the book, the Flatlanders went from two to three dimensions. This led me to quaternions. They are numbers which have four dimensional characteristics. Quaternions are one of my favorite mathematical explorations as they connect to almost all of my favorite subjects. They are mathematical extensions of complex numbers which deal with abstract and philosophical thought because they are four dimensional. Moreover, they are highly involved in programming with three dimensional graphics. This entirely fascinates me since all the subjects I’m interested in can be connected numerous different
The purpose of the story seems to be to heighten one's sense of reality about the world around him or her. It shows there may possibly be other dimensions and other worlds that are taking place at the same time. It makes one wonder about the world as we know it.
If my little brother needs help and no one is there I help him myself he almost always gets the stuff right when I explain it to him. My uncle doesn’t always know how to use the most advanced technology so I have to help him with it, sometimes he will get along with what i’m helping him, but most of the time I just do it for him or he will just figure it out himself. Overall my whole family values me pretty well.
The book Flatland basically describes a 2dimesional world where shapes live with no knowledge about 3 D objects moving like 3 D things or dimensions. Reading this book helped me think differently about geometry because I never would have thought much about the value of being able to see things in the way that we do. Sure in this book there weren’t any math equations in this book but the perspectives of the square character, thoughts, the flat land shapes classifications and actions made me think about how great it is to see things the way we see things in geometry and life and move the way we do that flat landers can’t. In flat and they’re classified by the shape, gender, and even job in some cases, the shapes are triangles, pentagons, lines hexagons, and other irregular shape. Women are treated like threats to the level they are watched and basically imprisoning and watched like monsters.
Every book has a story behind it. Even books about square and triangles have much more meaning if you think about it. The author, Edwin Abbott, studied theology, the studies of religion. I believe that when he wrote Flatland, he possibly had theology in mind with likely connections. The possible connections between the story of Flatland and theology could be the similar “god-like” creature from another world, the teachings of the unknown, and the unacceptance of that new information.
There were many different elements that had to be explained before the reader could somewhat grasp the concept of life in only two dimensions. The first thing explained was the social classes which relied on how many sides one had, with a isosceles triangle being the lowest class and a circle being the highest class. If an isosceles triangle does good deeds and lives a good life, he can become an equilateral triangle and move up into a higher class. I really did not like this part of the book because it seemed really unfair to that a kid could be born into a bad family and never have a chance at a good life.
Being knowledgeable is important to and in order to be knowledgeable have curiosity. Early on
Throughout my life I have learned from my father how to communicate effectively with others and how words can effect another. This has been an going learning experience with the new cultures I have come in contact with. Further, I was taught that education important to broaden my knowledge, thus I continued my education once I graduated high school. Conversely, I do not believe that all knowledge is learned from a book. Rather, a vast majority is learned through experience. For instance, once my mom passed away I had to take on that role for my siblings. Thus, I learned skills like cooking, cleaning, and supervising. I believe that through experiences like this I have gained the most intellect. I continue to be open to new learning opportunities or ideas that potentially can allow me to further my knowledge in any aspect of my
While implementing Primary Health Care models, identical to those in metropolitan areas, in a rural setting is not practical, I feel there is an obvious need to improve primary health care in remote areas. This is due to the significant health gap between Indigenous and non-Indigenous Australians, in rural and remote areas
It first starts off with A. Square explaining to us his homeland. He calls it Flatland and it is a two dimensional world. His world is often described to be a victorian society. They have the belief that the less angles you possess the smarter and higher in society you will be. The highest figures in their society are the circles and after them come the polygons who are upper class. The middle class consists of squares, pentagons, hexagons etc. The equilateral triangles are in the lower class and the isosceles triangles are the working class or servants. Irregulars are seen as criminals and are believed to be stupid and dangerous. An irregular is a figure who’s sides are not equal or congruent. They might be surgically altered at a young age,
school, I found it hard to believe a professional school would actually have to recruit minority students to fill its quotas. Nevertheless, thinking back to Karl Krebs, a.k.a. Karl K. Krebs, M.D., Keystone, Class of 1974, I realized Freddy was probably right. Interested in the Minority Program from an educational perspective, I asked Freddy to continue.
I give this movie a six out of five-star rating. How it managed to keep me on the edge of my seat the entire time is beyond me; I am still in disbelief that I was fully engaged for the entire two hours and twenty-six minutes. Although I had heard many great things about the novel, the film exceeded all of my expectations. The Natural teaches many valuable lessons about perseverance, determination, commitment, karma, relationships, and staying young at heart.
I love knowledge. I gain it through both reading from books and putting my thoughts into action. I self teach myself through countless google searches, with it I made a website, DJed for a friend's party, and Fixed my classmates and teachers computers.
Ever since I was young, and began my education, learning was one of the most exciting ideas to me. I wanted to know more about everything around me and the world that we lived in. Even the things that other people found mundane or pointless, I loved to understand; simply for the sake of knowing more. Throughout my elementary and middle school years, I was homeschooled which gave me more opportunities to go out and experience things that most kids could not. When I started high school, though, learning became something completely new for me. In my tenth grade year, I began dual enrolling at the local state college where I was immersed in the
As the years went by I realized the simple need to be able to study and comprehend what I wanted to accomplish. And circumstance played a factor. Once, our push mower broke down and I was assigned the task of fixing our dilemma. Despite my best efforts, my rookie skills weren't enough to better our situation. Even though I failed in reaching my goal, I endeavored to learn the inner workings of a gasoline engine more thoroughly, and I was shocked at how much I didn't know, but especially how much I learned by simply reading a book for five minutes! From then on I aspired to read billboards, road signs, directions and the likes to further my newly fostered art. I was almost more thrilled than my parents! So many unanswered questions were now at the focal
This semester I learned a lot about writing in English 151. It has been a roller coaster ride with these essays for me this semester. I learned step by step how to write a good essay and how to have your readers be engaged in what you’re trying to tell them. Each essay I did has taught me something valuable I can take to the next level of English. I feel as if as the semester went by I did not take my writing that seriously and that reflected in my grades I received in each essay. It made me a better student and writer and it will reflect next semester. In this essay, I will reflect on what I learned throughout this semester that you should apply in your writing when you begin English 151.