
First Electronics Project

Decent Essays

For the first Electronics Project, my team worked together to build a circuit and used a Multimeter to measure multiple elements of the circuit. There were three tasks, one assigned to each member of the group. There was a task assigned to each group member: Circuit builder, measurer, and the data collector/calculator. Because of this group collaboration, we were able to work quickly and efficiently to get the project done on time. This project was definitely a learning experience for all of us because this was the first time we had been expected to build a circuit. We worked together and followed the instructions step by step. The measurements we were expected to take included resistance, voltage, and current which is what the data collector used to calculate theoretical values for the upcoming measurements. …show more content…

We related the three measurements through Ohms Law which recognizes the equation to calculate for voltage, resistance, or current. For me, the most useful aspect of the project was learning how to build a circuit and measure values of resistance, current, and voltage with a Multimeter. At first, I did not know what the measurements meant, but after my teammates helped me understand how the measurements are correlated to the theoretical calculations and the circuit as a whole, I better understood how the circuit worked as well as what the measurements signified. Because of this project, I have significantly developed my understanding of circuit analysis and circuit building. This knowledge is essential to me as a learner because I believe that understanding correlations between design and analysis is the way to make us more successful engineers in our

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