Amy Tahran
Presented to John Hobbs,
In partial fulfillment of the requirements for
PACO 500 Introduction to Pastoral Counseling
Liberty Theological Seminary
Lynchburg, VA
12 August 2011
For this project, I am placing myself in a hypothetical context as a staff pastoral counselor at my home church in Valley City, ND, serving a congregation of approximately 200. I have chosen as my overarching goal for life to serve others in the capacity for which the Lord has gifted me and prepared me to counsel and minister to them. 1 Peter 4:9 tells us that, “Each of you should use whatever gift you have received to serve others, as faithful stewards of
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Pastoral-As leaders of the church, pastors are in a position to offer soul care and counseling to their congregation. Equipped with theological understanding coupled with education and experience in counseling, pastors are uniquely qualified to offer support in the realm of mental health.
Counseling-Purposeful conversations between the counselor and the counselee, resulting in clear, realistic expectations of the outcome of the sessions.
Confidentiality: Confidentiality is a core ethical requirement regarding information shared between the counselee and the counselor. Counseles can be assured that information shared in sessions will be held to the strictest confidence; however, counselees must be made aware that there are instances where the counselor is required to break confidentiality. Information shared by the counselee regarding actual or threatened harm to self or others must be reported to the proper authorities.
Homework: There may be take-home assignments for the counselee to complete between sessions. Homework is a useful tool and may include outside readings, observations, journaling, worksheets, etc.
Note-taking: The counselor may take notes during sessions. These notes will remain confidential and most often consist of positive comments or ideas that the counselor wishes to incorporate based on input from the counselee.
Termination: The termination process will begin to take place during session 4, at which time the counselee will be
This is the first of three milestone assignments that will lead to completion of your course project. In this assignment, you will complete Critical Element III: GAAP
In this assignment, the writer will attempt to discuss scenario 1. Scenario 1 deals with examining the pastors in the managerial, messianic, and spiritual director roles. Explaining how pastors help people redirect their focus toward the new life God has for them through Jesus Christ and seeing the role of the Spirit through the eyes of Jesus.
An unexpected offer to distribute our platform message via the Lake Association email list has been evaluated. The Lake Association has offered this service to all of the Candidates (both slates). Its reasoning was to allow a more immediate distribution of information to the Lake’s residents. We have decided that additional contact with the Citizens could have a negative impact. Receiving a mail out package and follow up phone call should satisfy most voters. An email might just elicit a “stop bugging me” attitude.
As a counselor in training, I believe that counseling is a collaborative process between you and I. Counseling is a personal and safe process that deeply respects and honors each individual’s unique life experiences. Here are some aspects of counseling and therapy as I perceive and practive it: Therapeutic counseling
In today 's culture the congregational expectations on a pastor are quite different from the vocational spiritual disciplines required for faithful pastoral ministry. The office of the pastor, for the congregation, has become nothing more than a managerial position of running a religious organization. In response to this Eugene Peterson offers his take on the distinctive work of the pastor and the practices that shape pastoral integrity. In his book, Working the Angles: The Shape of Pastoral Integrity, Peterson outlines the practices of prayer, Scripture and spiritual direction as the backbone of faithful pastoral ministry. The following will discuss these practice, there benefit to pastoral ministry and why Peterson call to these practice are important to pastors today.
As human being we receive and perceive information in a wide variety of different ways. The understanding of communication to one person might be the total opposite to another person. Counselors within the human service field have to obtain the abilities and skills to interact and communicate with clients in a counseling setting. In doing so a counselor has to possession ability to use verbal and non-verbal communication skills, ask open and close ended question during the sessions, use reflective techniques, and identify explorations,
What the client shares in the session stays in there, unless a counselor consults a supervisor, or anyone is at risk of harming themselves or other people. In regards to the ASCA Ethical Standards for School Counselor’s Confidentiality falls under section A in terms of confidentiality being a responsibility to the students. Section A.2. Confidentiality all attempts need to be made, but counselors may need to make choices to best support the student’s well-being.
In pastoral ministry, the gospel of Jesus Christ must be the motivation of the ministry. The gospel itself is a daily reminder for believers of God’s love, forgiveness, power, and selflessness. When
Before a counselling session starts it is important that the client understands confidentiality. To be able to understand this the counsellor must explain to the client that anything they say within the
However, it is not always that simple and there may be some instances when it is not possible to maintain total confidentiality and the counsellor my have to pass on certain information that was revealed. For example, if a crime has been committed or if there is a risk of harm to another person. In this case the counsellor must be clear with the client what information they may have to pass on and to whom.
Such information includes, but is not limited to, any and all information, data, documents, writings, reports, and/or files of any sort. Failure to keep information confidential is a violation of the ethical code and the counselor is subject to a malpractice suit.
My faith tradition informs my theology of pastoral care as that a pastor has an authority in the pastoral care relationship. The pastor’s image in my faith tradition is an advisor, director, and guide. In my faith tradition, the lay people like to have the pastoral care, when they make important decisions. Since my culture is the hierarchal and patriarch system, the lay people believes that pastors are better to know about God’s will. Therefore, the lay people are too much depending on the pastor’s advices, and taking pastor’s perspective, rather than choosing what they want. There is no space to listen their inner voice in the pastoral care in my faith tradition. My theology of pastoral care in my faith tradition was that what Jesus did is what we should do. Because of my traditional ideal of pastoral care, I thought pastors have to know everything and be better than others until becoming like Jesus. However, I realized that the theology can be dangerous to look down the lay people and non-Christians, and is not helpful for the pastors and the lay people as well. I think it is important to remember in my tradition that the head of the church is the only one, Jesus, and we are all the body of Christ. There is the better part in the body of Christ. We are all the same and we need each other.
A counselor should be very observant and able to interpret non-verbal communication for example if the patient looks angry, and then find out the cause of his/her anger first. An effective counselor should provide non-possessive warmth in a counseling environment. Smile and show concern and acceptance by showing comfort, empathy, and understanding to the patient.
Christian counseling and secular has primarily the same goal and desire, that is to assist people with overcoming life obstacles that they are facing. In addition, they both seek to help their clients find balance in life, find joy, and be healthy and adaptable individuals, mentally, physically, and emotionally. Furthermore, there are many difference between the two. However, there are many approaches that a Christian counselor could use. Although, both Christian counseling and professional counseling have their place, there are models that can be integrated that will lead to healthy sessions with clients. The purpose of this paper is to look at those applications of biblical truth that is accepted in secular counseling techniques,
It is not an easy task to carry out public leadership, you have to know almost everything, counseling marriage on the verge breaking down, baptizing dying babies, administering Holy Communion for dying individuals, leading marriage ceremony with unusual and complicated scenario. It is also not easy to accept ministry as God calling rather than as job placement or vocational opportunity. It is tough to accept the people, their culture, tradition and the whole identity. God called us to ministry so that we will be able exercise his full authority (Matt 28:16-18) with full humility (Philippians 2:6, 2Cor 8:9, Rom 5:6-8). We have to deny ourselves and follow the footsteps of Jesus our Lord (Luke 9:23).