
Analysis Of Dangerous Calling

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Dangerous Calling by Paul David Tripp digs deep into the heart of pastoral ministry. Tripp unfolds the pastoral ministry of today to encourage and warn young and old pastors through stories, the Gospel and God’s Word. In Dangerous Calling, the book dissects the pastor’s life into three sections: Examining Pastoral Culture, The Danger of Losing Your Awe, and The Danger of Arrival. In each section, there are deep and real truths about pastoral ministry. In pastoral ministry, the heart makes or breaks the ministry. In Dangerous Calling, there are ample examples of pastors not having a pure and humble heart in their ministry. For example, a lot of pastors have head knowledge of the Bible but do not have the heart knowledge. A lot of young …show more content…

Secondly, if his heart is not fully going to be in the sermons then what he says is in vain. Sermons do require practice, but also sermons require the work of the Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit is going to work at the heart of the hearers of the sermon and the preacher. If the pastor’s heart is not tender to God’s Word before he preaches, the congregation will not receive the sermon. Preachers must have boldness, pure hearts, and clearness when he is preaching (2 Timothy 2:15)! Along with the preaching, pastors are to have a heart for service outside the pulpit. The list includes meetings, church events, small groups, visitations, funerals, and community events. Pastors are to be salt and light unto the world and for his flock (Matthew 5:13-16). It is not good enough to be a body at the events, he must be invested in the people in everything. Many times, the heart wants to isolate a believer to do their own thing (Proverbs 18:1). As a pastor, he cannot afford to give up his opportunities to serve! God uses pastors as a “figure head” of what Christ is. No, it does not mean he is above everyone else, but the pastor is a shepherd of his flock (1 Peter 5:1-4). Pastoral ministry cannot be viewed as a job because it ruins the heart of the ministry. In pastoral ministry, the gospel of Jesus Christ must be the motivation of the ministry. The gospel itself is a daily reminder for believers of God’s love, forgiveness, power, and selflessness. When

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