
Film: The Renderman Pixar

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Before any film can be finished, the animation has to go through a process called rendering. Rendering is a process that makes an image high-resolution, which is why 3D animation has become so much more popular today, as it appears to almost never age. “Radiosity and procedural textures, and with the development of the first generation of solid user\-friendly computer-human interfaces for three-dimensional computer animation and imaging software. The RenderMan shading language was released by Pixar in 1988.” (Kerlow, 10) Without RenderMan, animation would continue to evolve, but it would have been so much more difficult. Without RenderMan Pixar would never have become the great sister studio of Walt Disney Studios that it is today.
In my time …show more content…

I tried to remain unbiased about the event since I still didn’t understand what was going on and I did enjoy the film “Brave”. It was the next year that truly brought my attention to the awards ceremony, but it may have been due to biased bitterness. “Frozen” was on the nomination plate and a film that I enjoyed, “Rise of the Guardians”, was completely glanced over in the nomination process. Now I liked “Frozen” to the next person, but I didn’t think it lived up to the hype that I was expecting it to …show more content…

This is Disney we’re talking about, the studio that not only has raised the bar, it created the bar so of course the giant can afford to take risks. Though the studio continues to put their money into the safe “Fairy Tale” path, instead of continuing to make great original films like “Wreck It Ralph” and “Big-Hero 6.” Both of these films were decently advertised, but what about the film that is still being raved about two years later. Disney is all about advertisement and selling their products, and with the extreme hit of “Frozen” the studio has a new product to sell besides the old “Disney Princess” Line. Once again Disney is sticking to their guns of keeping it safe, instead of the great original works that it had done previously and

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