
Fictitious Business Description Essay

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Fictitious Business Description

HR Technology Case Scenario: Introduction Human Resource management teams work with the performance of activities such as bookkeeping, upholding policies and guidelines, employee performances, and ensuring labor laws are enforced. Human resource managers use information systems to help in their daily duties of payroll, training, and organizations of personnel files. Human Resource managers develop analyzes functions and determine the type of Human Resource Information system application is necessary to automate and create a strategic alliance for the Human resource department. The importance of determining the type of human resource information system application is to define which system can help make …show more content…

Mr. Morgan has taken human resources duties of scheduling, recruiting, hiring, answering questions for employees and printing payroll checks. Mr. Morgan could use a human resource information system to help assist him in his daily routines which could save him travel time and gasoline. “Technology influences the jobs of food service managers in many ways, enhancing efficiency and productivity.” (2009,
Indentified Problems: Mr. Morgan is having difficulties with his human resource problems of hiring, scheduling, answering employee questions, payroll, and recruiting. By applying a human resource information system to help Mr. Morgan organize these problems into separate programs he already uses an excel spreadsheet to assist him in payroll. Mr. Morgan could use an integrated system that could help organize employee information such as name, dates of hire, important information such as address, phone number, resumes, social security numbers, all of this information could be in a one file location which would all be on the same human resource system using the same passwords, and computer systems that could be centrally located at his office or home instead of traveling to each restaurant location. In solving Mr. Morgan’s payroll problem there are three simple steps that could

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