
Feudal System In Quinten Massy's An Old Woman

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It is Medieval Times; the period of when the Feudal System subsisted among Europe. The feudal system- already weakened by knights rapidly dying in war- soon met its end, crashing into the ground and opening the way to the time of the Renaissance. A picture painted by Quinten Massy, An Old Woman, best exemplifies the image that the peasants of Medieval Europe had of the Feudal System and Church. An unprepossessing -some would say hideous- old woman is portrayed in traditional Medieval clothing with a great headpiece placed on her crown in the painting An Old Woman. She stands like a noble, positioned with grace and elegance, gazing off into the distance with a content expression. Her head held high, with her lavish clothing gives the idea that she is most likely one …show more content…

The Black Death took one-third of the population. Before the Black Death people lived for the afterlife, a future in heaven; however, after the plague that took so many lives, the citizens began to appreciate and celebrate life. They lived life to the fullest, taking the Latin proverb Carpe Diem- “seize the day” to heart with their daily actions. The lower end but the base of the Feudal System- the peasants- began to flee the crops and seek for a better life in the city. Many of the knights that protected the peasants -in exchange for food and other products- already had their numbers diminished by war. The Black Plague then broke the class of knights and peasants by killing them relentlessly, shattering the feudal system.
In the portrait, An Old Woman, the woman that stands tall, represents the death of the Feudal System. As the common people move on to the path of modernization the old system became weak and inefficient. The woman on the painting face appears to be so repugnant for that is how distasteful the restricting Feudal System looked to the peasants; the peasants wanted more for themselves, they wanted

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