
Feudal And Manorialism In The Middle Ages

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Survival is key to all civilizations. Certainly this was the case during the Middle Ages. Despite this fundamental fact, the Middle Ages witnessed the creation of Feudalism and Manorialism witnessing the proliferation of power from the Church. The Middle Ages started in the 5th century and ended in the 15th century. Despite the unyielding and often unethical (corrupt) practices of the Church, nevertheless Europe managed to propel itself forward through the implementation of the Feudal and manor system clearly delineated power and responsibility within society. Feudalism was a diplomatic system. This system helped the “nobles” buy land. According to the text, “Feudalism was a political, economic, and social system in which nobles were granted the use of land that legally belonged to the king. In return, the nobles agreed to give their loyalty and military services to the king.” (Document 1) Feudalism was a system that traded different items or artifacts that helped different parts of the system. In Document 1 a chart is shown that explains how the trades works. “The King would grant land to the Nobles and in return the Nobles would provide money and knights to the King.” (Document 1 Chart) Feudalism resulted in placing a high value on the importance of trade. Everyday the Nobles would acquire land and give the King back money and knights. According to Document 1, “The peasants or serfs worked the land for the knights and nobles and in return serfs received protection and

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