Genetics is the study of heredity and the different inherited characteristics ( All humans are made up of cells. Each cell contains chromosomes. Chromosomes are genetic material that determine many things about a person. For example, their height, hair color, eye color, sex, and personality traits. Deoxyribonucleic acid is in charge of the transmission of genetic materials. A single, cell develops into the large organs that is a human newborn infant in 266 days (Infant and Early Childhood Development). Prenatal development is the process of growth, differentiation, development, and maturation between fertilization and birth (Dictionary of Medical Terms).
A human has 23 pairs of chromosomes. The developing fetus gets half
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Fine hair first begins to form on the head; structures such as the lungs, sweat glands, muscles, and bones continue to develop. The fetus is able to swallow and make sucking motions. At week 16 to 20: The fetus reaches approximately 8 inches in length. Features such as finger and toenails, eyebrows, and eyelashes appear. The fetus becomes more active, and the mother begins to feel small movements. At week 21 to 24 The lungs develop air sacs.
In the last trimester of fetus development, there is a drastic change in the brain development. The neurons of the brain are rapidly developing. The weight of the brain more than double in the last 13 weeks of development. The brain’s once smooth surface now has bumps and grooves as it is developing. The cerebellum is developing faster than any other part of the brain in these last few weeks. The cerebellum is the area in charge of motor function and activity in the brain. In these last few weeks, the brain is starting to develop the learning abilities. And also the ability to begin remembering and growing a memory. This is normally the time mothers will begin playing soothing music to their stomachs. And parents will begin talking directly to the
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The human body develops from a single cell produced from the joining of the male and female sex cells. This joining marks the beginning of the prenatal period. There are three stages. The first stage is the pre-embryonic stage. The first two weeks of development, which is a period of cell division and initial differentiation. The second stage is the embryonic stage. Which lasts from the third to the eighth week of development. The third stage is the fetal period. Which is the maturation of tissues and organs and rapid growth of the body (Prenatal
During the third to eighth week of conception, fingers, arm bones, and toes are being formed. Limbs start off as buds that then extend outward. This is all due to the DNA that is in each and every cell in the body.
In the first month of pregnancy head and trunk appear and tiny arm buds begin to form, followed by leg buds. The early embryo seems to have a "tail", but this is really a protective covering for the spinal cord because the central nervous system (brain, spine and spinal cord) is so important. At this point of development the structures that eventually form the face and neck are becoming
If born at this time, the baby will be considered premature and require special care.
After implanted into the mother’s uterus, “All of the essential structures have been formed (both inside and outside) by the time the embryonic period comes to an end. The new title of fetus is now given to the embryo” (Roundy, 2014). Essentially, the mass of cells is now known as an embryo and the eyes, head, mouth and nose start to take shape. Blood vessels surround the embryo, leading to a very own heartbeat. The formation of upper extremities and lower extremities are developing! The sex of the baby will be determined, whether the baby will be a boy or baby girl.
Babies have an active in-utero brain development. The growth rate of a human baby is probably the fastest during the 9 months of pregnancy, the little one’s pre-brain makes out more than 8000 cells per second, it pumps out neurons at the rate of approximately 500,000 cells a minute. To ensure the proper neural development at this stage, it is crucial to leave the baby alone. During the first half of the pregnancy, the baby grows its neurological structure at an astonishing rate. Through a process called Synaptogenesis, the baby brain makes over 15,000 neural connections and continues to grow. During the second half of pregnancy, the fetus starts to grow sensitivity of the world through his semi-developed neural connections. It is at this stage that they become subject to external influences - they react to sounds and feel the touch. Medina even cited examples where kids could actually remember their in-utero experiences long after their birth.
They would more involve in attachment relationships. The infant begins to shift away from the focus on objects or figures to an external environment at about six months. The infant’s confidence in the attachment is established and developing internal ‘schemas’ or representations of the parents and the attachment relationships that allow him to ‘keep the parent in mind’ even when he is not interacting with her (Stern, 1983). When the infant wakes in the morning, they might not cry immediately for the parent to come but they would play with the object for the first 30 minutes before become fussy and started to cry.
It is imperative for a mother to take care of herself while pregnant. This will give the fetus a better chance at healthy developmental milestones. One way to achieve this is through a healthy diet which aids fetal brain development. Moreover, taking the supplemental vitamins recommended by the physician helps too. Finally, a mother should try to eliminate too much stress in her life while pregnant. This can have a negative impact on the pregnancy. This is what healthy development looks like during conception. At 3 months the baby is fully formed. The hands, arms, feet and toes are all present. Also, the bodily organs are present but need to mature more at this point. During the 3-6 month period is where the most rapid brain development takes place (Hutchison, 2013). This is the trimester where you begin to feel movement. At 6-9 months the baby continues to grow and mature to prepare for entry into the world.
Physical development of the human begins at conception when the egg is fertilized by the sperm. Once the ovum is fertilized, the process of mitosis begins, allowing the cells to split and form the human being. Through this process, each parent contributes 23 chromosomes, which are present in every cell of our bodies, and are made up of DNA and genes (Broderick & Blewitt, 2015). The genes that we inherit from our parents determine our physical features, such as hair and eye color, and height. Furthermore, the combination of various genes within the body at the time of conception may result in the individual carrying unexpected traits and illnesses (Broderick & Blewitt, 2015).
Activities within the head are like unseen milestones. They happen in stages and in different parts of the brain. Among other milestones is the peaking of visual cortex at about three months and at nine month the hippocampus which is responsible for memories become fully functional. The completion of these internal milestones helps to prepare the child for the environment. At t his point the child becomes like a sponge ready to absorb everything it comes into contact with. Patricia Kuhl of the University of Washington studies the auditory maps and finds that the auditory starts out waiting ready to pick up anything it is exposed to but reaches completion at twelve months. This explains why it is easy for children to pick up a new language. Even though the brain is quick to take on new jobs, it is very organized as found out by Patricia Kuhl. Each neuron knows its job and do not intervene
When the brain is developing it is creating neurons, which are specialized cell transmitting nerve impulses, a nerve cell. Just a small piece of the brain contains thousands of nerve cells within it. Neurons never reproduce themselves and are very rarely replaced by others. The brain cells form quite rapidly roughly just four weeks into the process. When the fetus is growing the neurons make their way out of the neutral cube to build the brain layer upon layer. The brain builds connections very rapidly nearly a couple million every second and it begins to wire itself by following a genetic blue print. Neurons travel in waves, millions each day, which scientists like to call migration. After twenty-four weeks the vital organs of the body are formed, for example, the heart begins to beat on
“The first weeks after birth have a special significance for the child’s development and are referred to as “symbiotic life”. The word symbiosis means “a life together” and it describes the special situation of two living beings who need each other because each of them gives and receives something absolutely necessary for the continuation and the quality of each of their lives.” – Understanding the Human Being ch. 3
According to, after conception, a fetus begins to develop rather quickly. In the fifth week of pregnancy, a baby’s heart begins to beat. A baby also develops three distinct layers, ectoderm, endoderm, and mesoderm. These three layers will eventually form the body systems that are necessary
First trimester: By 12 weeks of pregnancy the foetus will be fully formed. The ovum grows and develops certain important parts of the baby’s body such as spinal cord, nervous system, gastrointestinal system, heart and lungs in the first four weeks from conception. The heart starts beating and brain and other organs forms by eight weeks. At this stage, the face is formed and arms and legs start to move. The baby grows to 3 inches long and
To commence with, during development a human being grows at an astonishingly rapid pace. According to Guttmacher Institute, “89% of all abortions in the United States are performed in the first trimester of pregnancy.” (2005). In the first trimester (16 weeks), the baby’s eyes and eyelids, nose, mouth, and tongue have formed, and the baby's reproductive organs also develop. The cardiovascular system is the first system that begins to function. The baby’s heart begins to circulate their own blood, similar to his mother’s heart, twenty-two days after conception. Electrical brain activity can be detected at six or seven