
Feminist Criticism Of The Siskel And Ebert Halloween Review

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Literary Criticism Essay Criticism of the three videos given to watch show feminist and gender criticism. While different forms of critics’ transition and can be found in each video. The videos give insight on these few forms of criticisms. The Siskel and Ebert Halloween Review from 1978 shows how they like how the movie shows how the female character is seen as intelligent, brave and smart. The way the two men spoke about how they felt about the film gave a feminist critic. They were able to put them self in her shoes and think about how they might of felt in that scenario. They see the film as up and positive and see the movie for the film qualities other than the depressing killing. The film focused on film qualities, where the mood, lighting, music and camera angle all played roll in creating the feeling where one can feel that the female actor out smart the bad masked man. The second video is the Honest trailer for the movie 300. The movie critic in the video uses gender criticism to give his opinion on the film. The video highlights points in the video where the men are seen as to be all muscular and in shape and the tone in which they speak to each other is …show more content…

The speaker bashes the movie and the makers. He makes fun of them and makes it seem like a pointless movie. The critic types I was able to identify were both feminist and gender critics. The feminist critic came from how the princess has ice powers and were the main characters in the musical film. The speaker spoke very negatively of the male characters and had something against them. This gave a feeling that he thought all men had bad intentions. This was the hardest video to figure out as the speaker gives a very negative review on the film and mocks the musical songs. For having never seen the movie its left a negative impact on me and perhaps the film was intended for a different demographic or age group than that of the

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