
Feminism, The Advocacy Of Women 's Rights On The Basis Of Equality

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Feminism is defined as the advocacy of women 's rights on the basis of the equality of the sexes. Throughout the hundreds of years women have been around there have always been those that fought for more. From fighting for the right to vote to marching down Capitol Hill women have been fighting for equality. Although the fight may have changed over the years these individuals have always fought for the better for people around the world. Now more than ever women are critiqued for contribution to feminism.
When an individual thinks of the feminist community they think of all kinds of women. In 2017 a feminist women can be described as African- American, Caucasian, Hispanic, tall, short, any kind of women whose ideas align with …show more content…

This wave of women continue to fight for equality and are much more outspoken about it. This wave of feminism are “the ego-cultural feminists, the radicals, the liberal/reforms, the electoral, academic, ecofeminists,” according to progressive women 's leadership.

Founded in 1987 the Feminist Majority Foundation (FMF) was created to advance equality for women within society as well as empowering them in fields like law and business so they can take on leadership roles. The FMF site states that they promote equality between all women and men, supports legal abortions, the LGBT community, and is dedicated to achieving civil rights for all people. This organization has done a plethora of positive things for their cause throughout the years. A few examples of their work include awards, involving women and girls in sports and aiding those who are apart of planned parenthood who receive death threats. Overall the feminist community strives for equality for all, not just women. They look to empower women and girls to become leaders and compete against men defying gender roles. They also provide resources and a list current campaigns they are involved in.
In the day of social media these feminist groups are exposed to more and more ridicule. Because of social media anything can be posted to Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter. Because of this things like the Women’s March are posted all over these outlets. This is good

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