
Feminism In Catherine Beecher's Duty Of American Women

Decent Essays

The mid 19th century in American history was one of changing perceptions and tides. As anti-abolitionist movements and causes grew in scope and significance, so too, did the first ideas of feminism and of women's rights. Of course, as with any social movement, there is always pushback, whether from people who are afraid of change or progress, or people that don't agree with that particular social movement.

Catherine Beecher's on the "Duty of American Females'' is one example, wherein she responded to Angelina Grimke's address to Southern women to take a stand against slavery, by 'reminding' her that women were subordinate to men, and that Heaven had made it so. In the ''Declaration of Sentiments of the Seneca Falls Convention'', an excellent …show more content…

As shown in the cartoons/ads, women/suffragettes were depicted as plain, commandeering, domineering, and lazy and not working for their family and its' greater good. I believe that they feared the unknown and change, as all do when times of social movements occur, from the fight for women's rights, to African American rights, and through today's fights for LGBT rights. Feminism has a negative connotation, in some circles and with some people, because of a targeted negative connotational campaign and attitude towards the word, term, and movement. Feminism literally means, ''the theory of the political, economic, and social equality of the sexes''. There is no man-hating, no man-shaming, no man-attacking within it. If you believe that women should have the same and equal rights as men - congratulations. You're a feminist.

Finally, I thought Kerry Washington's performance/cover of ''Ain't I A Woman'' was excellent. Sojourner Truth's original speech and statement was obviously incredibly powerful and impactful. Washington reminded me of Ashley Judd's reading of Nina Donovan's 2016 ''I Am A Nasty Woman'' poem at the Women's March in Washington, DC, on January 21st, 2017, of which that poem was clearly inspired by the former. Here's a link if you care to watch it. The words are important, especially in this day and

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