I selected feedback to subordinates as my topic to write about rather than managing conflict with peers because I believe that a person can gain more from teaching future generation’s rather than trying to manage conflicts that come up with their peers. Our future generations are our replacements and we need to teach them as much as we can so they can be great replacements for us. Taking the time to give effective feedback to a subordinate is a prime way to fulfill that requirement of building a better future and brighter world. Giving feedback is vital because it’s part of the learning process in life. It helps workers know that they are being monitored within the company. More importantly it provides the worker with an opportunity to improve themselves within the company and within life. The development of future generations is an important responsibility of a leader. As I stated throughout this class there is no set sign on what good feedback looks like. It’s important for the sender to take notes and consider the receivers body language and reactions when the feedback is given. Common signs of positive feedback include a smile, a thumbs up, questions that relate to how they can become a better worker, and even a hug. Some signs of negative feedback can include the middle finger, tension in the air, pouting, a bad working relationship and foul language. Giving negative feedback is not always a bad thing depending on the delivery and the mindset of the
All feedback needs to be concerned and supportive; it needs to include both negative and positive feedback. Positive can help us feel good about our self and positive about our skills that have been observed. However to develop further we need negative feedback to make improvements and grow as individuals, and
The employee should know where he/she stands in obtaining performance goals. Thus, providing feedback is an integral part of the task. The feedback should be delivered to the employee to motivate the employee but also help him/her identify any weakness in his/her performance and to help contribute to growth. The employee should leave the appraisal with knowledge of what he/she specifically needs to improve on
With anyone, within a business or in their personal lives, being encouraged to do the best you can is always something that is welcomed with open arms. Alongside encouragement, feedback from different jobs that you are doing is always a good thing as well. By giving colleagues feedback from different jobs you will be able to notify them as to any mistakes that they may have made, and also feedback can give the opportunity to point out any ways that may be more productive for the employee so that they would be more efficient in doing their job role.
In my point of view feedback is an essential tool for learners’ progress. If the student is not assessing their work then they are not learning and given feedback are vital to ensure best practice is maintained and the learners are achieving to their full potential.
Many people have significant difficulty in accepting criticism in any form, even where it is intended to be supportive and constructive. If we are aware that you are likely to have difficulty accepting criticism, we should try to prepare ourselves to view feedback from any source as precious and useful information that can add to our ability to reflect effectively on our work. This is not easy, but it is essential.
2. GIVING FEEDBACK = Verbal feedback, Written Feedback.{Try to be positive, Don’t be negative candidates find this demoralising}
Feedback is important as it sets up targets; the person knows what to improve. It motivates people and helps them to focus. It helps identifying the strengths and weaknesses. It expresses what is important to the organisation and the job and reduces uncertainties in people.
3.1 Supervision is an important source of feedback and we discuss my work and how I am doing, what I am doing well and what needs to improve. Supervision feedback could be formal like in supervision meetings but also informal when talking unplanned. For example, my manager will come in, in the morning and ask ‘how did it go last night? And after explaining, she will tell me fine but next time add this to what I haven't done today. My colleagues and the service users are important too for giving me feedback, for showing me what I am doing well, the areas I need to improve on and work on.
Positive feedback is easy and motivational it is as easy as telling a co-worker “job well done” (Employee Feedback-How to Build Staff Morale and Grow Your Business). Thank people for a job well done. “Thank You” takes very little effort feeling valued and appreciated helps moral and self-esteem. Congratulate a person for taking initiative and for solving the problems for others. Discuss career opportunities even if they are outside of the current workplace. Celebrate successes as a team.
This is important because feedback is essential to leaders and managers in light of the fact that workers' activities and practices eventually decide the corporate society and accomplishment of an organization (Harms and Roebuck, 2010). However, Harms and Roebuck recommend a significantly more reaching approach called the “BET and BEAR” model which according to Berry et al. (1996) is an effective mechanism for providing positive and constructive feedback. They further illustrated that the “BET” model which stand for “Behaviour, Effect and Thank you, is to be used for positive feedback while the ‘BEAR” model is for constructive feedback which is used in addressing negative feedback. Hams and Roebuck further encouraged that students should make at least 75% of their feedbacks to their peers’ positive than negative (Berry et al., 1996, cited in Harms and Roebuck, 2019:419).
If the feedback is questionable then it becomes useless because it is not trusted. Positive and negative feedback will be more readily accepted if it is kept even, if it is more of one then it may not be received well by the learner for reasons that become obvious within the learner’s behavior or work.
Feedback is a key part of a Leadership Development Plan (LDP). It is designed to improve the performance and share information during this process. Feedback is essential and should be clear about its purpose and intent. It is important to address feedback with the specific individual that it 's intended for. This will help limit confusion and negative feedback. This paper will identify the different types of feedback that will be in the Leadership Development Plan, along with how often each type will be used. In additional to how the feedback will be discussed, tracked, and will also provide sample forms that evaluate the feedback. “Let no one seek his own good, but the good of his neighbor (1
Different feedback strategys have been used as efficent tools in the promotion of progress and improvement in the professional world (Baker, A. Perrault D. Alain, R., 2013). De Janasz et al. (2014) explains some positive outcomes that result from shariying, asking and getting feedback from others in within a workplace; such as improving and reforcing employee relationships, enforcing a gainnful comunication, promoting teamwork, and increasing the performance of employees. Specificly De Janasz et al. (2014) develops the idea that providing constructive feedback, sustained by strong interpersonal communication skills, enables the individual recognize their strengths and wiknesses in a clear and non risky way, in order to look for the most accurate plan to improve, and obtain significant and necessary behavioral changes. Everyday Feedback as part of an organization strategy help employees feel confident about their possition and process inside the company, and promotes a clear path to achieve personal and organizational goals (Baker, A. Perrault D. Alain, R. (2013); citado en Levy and williams,
* Seeking feedback is important because it gives a worker some idea of how they are working - what they are doing well and what could be improved.
In an article from the U.S. Office of Personnel Management [OPM] (n.d.) it stated that “without feedback, you 're walking blind, at best, you 'll accidentally reach your goal, and at worst, you will wander aimlessly through the dark, never reaching your destination.” Feedback is a critical element in a managers “toolbox” when evaluating employees. It gives an employee a view of how good or bad their previous performance was and what or if they need to improve in their performance. It also reduces