
Feed The Mind Chapter 1 Summary

Decent Essays

CHAPTER 1 FEED THE MIND What are the assassins of change? What hinders you from attaining the life you want? Procrastination freezes well laid plans. Doubt will cause business ideas to lay dormant. Fear stops you in your tracks from even putting forth a modest effort. Dread howls “you are not good enough, you are an idiot, you are a loser, you are not equipped enough, you will never succeed, you were born on the wrong side of the tracks, you have not got enough money, why even bother just give up?” Shout at the thoughts of inadequacy and say “shut up, I will not listen to your ugly voice any more”. Do not let thoughts of annuity slay your aspirations. I was employed within government agencies for eighteen years, where I encountered copious …show more content…

Let’s put this notion to rest once and for all. You are worth everything to God. God gave His only son Jesus Christ to die for your sins. If you were nothing to God, he would not have sent His best for you. You may have never given your life to Christ and it would be my privileged to lead you to have a richer life by accepting Christ. (Please locate prayer of salvation at the end of the book). You are valuable. You are precious. Do not grant negative thinking to postulate otherwise. To create a positive change in your life you must be completely honest with yourself and ask this question. “What I am constantly feeding my mind on a continual basis? Am I feeding it fear, faith, love, death, prosperity or poverty? What you feed your mind on is vitally important for success or failure. What the mind devours you will become. If you have conditioned your mind to think poor, you will remain poor. If you allow your mind to absorb prosperity, richness will come your way. Consider your stomach to your mind; both require constant feeding with nourishment. What you feed yourself internally will be revealed externally. Fat food reaps a fat body and poor thinking reaps a poor …show more content…

Have you been feeding your spirit man the word of God? Or have you been injecting negative news? If you can say “I have been feeding my mind on fear”, stop it! I want to introduce you to what I call the Castle effect; this will assist you in filtering the fear from your life. I am certain you have seen a picture of a castle with its surrounding body of water called the moat. The moat is the castles defense mechanism from attacking parties, both by tunneling under the castle walls and wall approaches. Castles without moats are extremely vulnerable to attack. From this time forth you are to consider your mind as the castle and the moat your buffer between you and your attackers. The moat will now block the negativity that you have allowed yourself to entertain. You may have entertained fear by watching or reading horror based movies and books or excessively watching negative news. These forms of fear will attack you without relentment. Quite often people do not realize that they have opened a door to fear by simply watching negative news. Do not get me wrong, not all news is negative or demonic. However if you know your life is fearful, cutting back on any form of negativity is a benefit for

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