
Fast Food Satire

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The fast food industry is changing America through advertisements, according to Louise Story from The New York Times. Every major industry in America today brings in the majority of their income through advertisements, according to The New York Times. According to Louise Story, these “advertisements are seen everywhere, on television, on billboards on the way to work, on every social media timeline, on Netflix, YouTube, or Pandora… and the average American spends five hours a day just looking at advertisements” (Story). America is changing very fastly with the addition of new technologies, and the fast food industry is at the forefront of this new advancement in industry, according to Hume. According to research by Scott Hume, in the Christian …show more content…

According to “Fast Food: Oppression Through Poor Nutrition” by Andrea Freeman, “fast food’s style and service create a relatively welcoming and democratic atmosphere appealing to communities that historically have experienced discrimination and disrespect while eating in public” (Freeman). Freeman uses her research to support her beliefs that fast food’s popularity is due to the fact that fast food appeals to the minorities and to mid-lower social class people. According to the information written by Meredith Melnick in Time magazine, “lower-middle and middle-income Americans are spending the more amounts of money on fast food than any other social class” (Melnick). Melnick states that contrary to popular belief that most fast food is consumed mainly by only low class people, middle class people are actually eating the most fast food. Melnick also states that the middle class is the largest class of Americans, and goes on to say that this is why the majority of the population of the American people is overweight. Freeman believes that when minorities in the lower-middle class of people see that they can finally afford to take their families out to eat, they like the idea of feeling like a higher class citizen and thus fast food appeals to them. Melnick states that middle-class people enjoy the convenience of fast food as well as the budget-conscious and low price …show more content…

According “Eating More; Enjoying Less” from Pew Research Center by Scott Keeter, there are many different statistics that play a part in the consumption of fast food. According to the Pew Research Center and the research by Keeter, “fifty million Americans are served daily in some type of a fast food restaurant” (Keeter).According to Food Safety News, a study is completed by the Institute of Health Metrics and Evaluation (IHME) at the University of Washington and Bill Marler reports on this research information saying that “the IHME identified the top ten risk factors for health loss in 2010 and the number of deaths attributable to each one” (Marler). During this study, the IHME found that diets are the number one leading cause of death. High blood pressure, high body mass index, physical inactivity, high blood sugar, and high total cholesterol all also follow closely behind on the list of risk factors, according to the IHME. Marler claims that fast food leads to every single one of these risk factors in one way or another, and that “fast food kills more people than smoking, alcohol, and illegal drug use all combined” (Marler). Austin Bryn worries that diseases and sickness will develop at a much earlier age and will cause problems for many kids as they are not getting the nutrients their

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