
Fast Food Monologue

Decent Essays

“Look i’m sorry for bringing you in there, I should've told you about the hatred towards people of color, it’s just such an unhealthy thing to bring up.” she says. “I understand but you shouldn’t be apologizing for others mistakes but for now let’s focus on trying to get me home, I have had enough for today.” I say as I stare into the road as we drive down the highway and take a nap. I am woken by a hand on my shoulder and a smile looking at me so excitedly as she’s holding two bags of fast food burgers with the “in-n-out’ logo on the front. I immediately grab the bag and unfold it releasing the most delicious aroma of fresh fries. I have never been so happy over a literal burger but here i am, just like a fat kid loves cake. “Than-k y-ou fo this” I try to say with have of the whole thing in my mouth, “I did no-t know this joint has been around for so long as still have the best taste, amazing, i applaud you”. …show more content…

After finishing our food we went back on trail and familiar things are starting to show up meaning that we are almost there. Oh how cool is it that half of these things are so different and still remain in the future. Ahead i can see “welcome to the city of calabasas” ahead and makes me wish i didn’t have to leave just yet . “How soon should I be making a turn” she asks me as she focuses on the

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