
Farming In The 1800s Essay

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willing to have low marginal cost or make absolutely nothing. Another reason was storage, the owners of these companies dominated the industry allowing them to charge whatever prices they want. For many it was too high and they were not able to afford it given they were already struggling to keep their property, “Changes in the Midwest farming between the earl 1800s and the present day are numerous, for example 90% of Americans lived and worked on the farms in the 1800s, then by the early 1900s that number had dropped to forty percent. Today, only two percent of Americans live and work on farms” (Arago, Web). The effect was that all farmers that could not keep up with the cost had to move away into urbanization. Due to the harsh conditions …show more content…

One that stood out was the horse drawn tool and the reaper, “This new tool had sharper blades that cut through the thick prairie roots found throughout the Midwest. Another important tool that defined this period in Midwest farming was the reaper, a device that could cut grain better than the scythe” (Argo, Web). These tools are what started the evolution of farming allowing it to grow at a rapid pace once they started becoming more innovated. From my readings in farming the essentials are not productivity but how you execute it and how you are able to build on top of that applying the technologies that are being provided. It is crucial for a lot of these struggling farmers to be able to keep up with technologies or even be ahead of them before your competitor to stay in the business. Throughout this paper we will gradually see that technology place a tremendous role on in agriculture and food, especially as the population continues to grow so rapidly and food can only be produced so fast, “The first goal of agricultural development is to produce sufficient food and other agricultural commodities to satisfy the needs and preferences of the growing human population”

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