Conclusion By conducting this investigation it was discovered that there is no significant relationship between velocity and channel length based on the significance level chosen by the investigator. However, there is a significant relationship between discharge and channel length that can be mathematically shown. As a result, this investigation determines that it is inconclusive on whether or not velocity increases as Fanno Creek moves further downstream. Therefore, the answer to the question (Does Fanno Creek in Beaverton, Oregon follow trends displayed by the Bradshaw Model?) is yes, which was the same as the original hypothesis is. As for discharge the original hypothesis is rejected since the graphs provided by the data shows a negative …show more content…
At the location on Hall Blvd there was a bridge that ran right above the river. At the location on Scholl’s Ferry there was a bridge that ran over a portion of the river as well as an abundance of rocks in the water. Data points near and under these locations should be considered anomalies since there was a man-made disturbance influencing the data. In the future a location with fewer disturbances by man-made structures and human influences should be chosen. The weather on the day the data was collected was less than desirable. There were areas of the river that had flooded due to heavy rainfall overnight. An increase in the amount of water in the river could influence the data and skew the results. In addition, this is an El Niño year meaning there have been record breaking amounts of rainfall. So, data collected in a year like this may not be applicable to other years where the river levels are lower. Future explorations on this topic should expand on the other trends displayed by the Bradshaw model such as bedload size and quantity. This will help in further understanding how channel length influences different characteristic of the
This is a map of the Conodoguinet Creek, where the 8-Orange team of East Pennsboro Middle School went yesterday to study the creek. The 8-Orange team, including myself was studying to see if the Conodoguinet Creek had any type of pollution. The reasons for us going down to the creek to test is the problems we have in Central, Pa. Some problems are the acid rain coming from the Power Plants down the road, and sometimes from Pittsburg, Pa also. Theres many more problems but these are the two main ones. We all split up into three groups which were, finding the velocity of the surface water, identifying the different critters there are in the creek, and testing the water for (phosphate, nitrate, and dissolved oxygen). It was incredible we all got different amounts of data.
The Conodoguinet Creek is a creek that runs 90 miles long from Carlisle to the Susquehanna River. The Susquehanna River is located in West Fairview. Now the question is, is the Conodoguinet Creek polluted? Pollution is caused by smoke in the air from big metal companies and fertilizers from farmers. Acid rain takes that smoke and fertilizers and rains into the ground and into waterways. That pollution can kill the organisms living in that waterway. My hypothesis is that the Conodoguinet Creek will not be polluted. Some things that will tell us if it is polluted or not is tests, scales, rocks, macroinvertebrates, and the velocity of the water. Is this acid damaging the Conodoguinet Creek?
The Ellicott City flood was destructive because it was on a high gradient stream. The high gradient stream made it flood faster, and had low stream discharge. Discharge is cross section of stream channel. It was also capable of moving large particles, which is an example of deposition and erosion. In the experiment, the ‘Main Street Ellicott City’ stream was more affected than the Meandering Stream. The Main Street Ellicott City stream was flooded faster, and more houses and cars were destroyed compared to the Meandering
Research Question: Does the Water of Leith have the same typical river properties confirming to the Bradshaw Model?
The discharge on the Illinois River downstream of Clear Creek (near Siloam Springs) was 720 cfs, which is much greater than the discharge of our site. Our site is much further away from the Illinois River and thus water has a greater velocity/discharge when there is a greater body of water. The velocity slows down as the river transfers to the creeks as on the way in the Illinois River at Savoy on the same date the discharge was 260 cfs, and this is by the reason of the site being upstream from the downstream Siloam site. When there are changes in slope, the discharge and velocity decrease through distance and time.
Hydrologic studies has always been the subdiscipline of environmental science that has most intrigued me; probably because the eco- and geological systems that comprise surface and shallow groundwater systems are so inexorably entwined and very delicate. Both of the virtual labs were interesting, and paint a clear picture of how we affect our hydrosphere and how that, in turn, affects us. Spotsylvania County and the city of Fredericksburg share four water treatment facilities that pull water from the Mott's Run Reservoir, the Ni River, and the Rappahannock River, which is the largest river in the local area, the other two being smaller tributaries that feed into it. The Rappahannock River is a significant body of water, providing the potable water for roughly a quarter-million people. Toward the coast the river sees mostly recreational and some light industrial use, and further upstream it is affected by many small to midsized agricultural operations that take place on the land adjacent to the river.
Brooker Creek is the largest natural area in Pinellas County. It is a preserved area where most of the organisms are protected by the state and cannot be touched or taken. This hike had a durability of one hour and it consisted on walking the entire trail and observing the different ecosystems found at the preserve. In order to see the different wild organisms that get to call the preserve home, we had to walk for around two hours. Some of the organisms mentioned by the guide of the hike and seeing at the preserve were: Golden orbs spiders, Coffee plants, lichens, mosses, sable palms, palmettos, blue gray knatt catchers, red maple trees, ferns, and tupelo trees. Although these organisms are very different from one another they are all able to live at Brooker Creek because of the different environments it has and offers its inhabitants.
Webb (2003) conducted numerical analysis of source-water dynamics of stream-bounded alluvial aquifers, along the Ohio River in northern panhandle of West Virginia, with consideration of lateral infiltration of groundwater from bedrock aquifer. However, the author did not verify her model to the field data. On the other hand, Kozar and McCoy (2004) presented groundwater-surface water interaction and simulation of groundwater flow in the alluvial aquifers from the northern panhandle of West Virginia without considering recharge form adjacent bedrock and leakage from overlying tributary streams. Although, Bader et al., (1997) and Unthank (1999) independently identified that the alluvium along the Ohio River, West Virginia and Kentucky respectively is recharged by the following means: (1) precipitation on the flood plain, (2) inflow from fractures in the bedrock beneath and adjacent to the alluvium, (3) inflow from tributary streams through gravel deltas and bedding-plane partings, and (4) induced inflow from the river. Water flowing in tributary streams can percolate through the deltas to the gravel under the clay-silt layer (Grain, 1966). Unthank (2013) updated model and reran it which generated significant difference between measured water levels and model-computed water levels in the aquifer. The author concluded that more accurate and site-specific estimates of field parameters, refined model geometry, and additional numerical method improve
The health of the Susquehanna River and Chesapeake Bay was found based on Biological (macroinvertebrates and wildlife) and Chemicals characteristics (pH, dissolved oxygen, phosphates, nitrates, etc.) as well as physical observations (amount of forested buffers, wetlands, etc.) Overall it was concluded that the health of the water was good to excellent. What was found was that many of the macroinvertebrates found in the water were sensitive or facultative, meaning the water quality was good enough for them to live in. Also, the level of ph, temperature, dissolved oxygen, phosphates, nitrates, and turbidity showed that the water quality was good. Finally, while we were canoeing down the Susquehanna River, observations were made on the land
A group of future biologists and I ventured through Beaver Creek and wrote down observations. We had found that the bank of the creek was eroded. We found invasive species such as Persicaria Longiseta and the English Ivy. We observed a lack of animal activity besides numerous mosquitoes and one salamander. In a section of the water there was a large amount of oil changing that section orange. The runoff system seemed obsolete and all the storm water from the parking lots would drain directly into Beaver Creek. We took a water sample two weeks later. Our water sample was slightly biased because we had taken it in a different location then where the obsolete design occurred. Water temperature was 16 C⁰. We did not find a significant threat or dangerous chemical levels of Nitrate, Nitrite, pH, Alkalinity, and chlorine. We did find our water hardness to be high. The area did test positive for having bacteria like Ecoli, Salmonella, Shigella, Enterobacter, Kliebsiella, other Coliform and non-coliform bacteria. The area also tested positive for pesticides atrazine and simazine.
Groundwater is an important natural resource that many communities, companies, and ecosystems depend on. Although, it is classified as a renewable resource, its supply is not unlimited. Groundwater has a yearly recharge rate that varies around an average from year to year. Having an idea or estimate of the recharge rate is necessary to define the limits of what can be withdrawn from an aquifer without causing an unacceptable decrease in long-term discharge rates. The objective of this study is estimate the recharge and discharge rates of the West Nose Creek Watershed and determine how groundwater extraction through pumping affects these
How would one react to a family member receiving the death penalty? How painful would it be knowing that a son, daughter, husband, wife, friend, etc. was sentenced to, arguably, the worst punishment given by the justice system? Capital punishment is a widely discussed and controversial topic, with a spectrum of viewpoints on the subject. Some believe it is necessary for a crimeless society, while others believe it is a very harmful view on violent crime in America. I am against the death penalty as a concept altogether, it is both paradoxical and hypocritical in nature to end someone’s life for killing someone else. The death penalty should be considered immoral because it goes against the Eighth
The Death Penalty is, undeniably, one of the most controversial issues of our day. Emotional tensions are high between those who hold human life above justice and those who hold justice above all human life. The Death Penalty, along with all other forms of criminal punishment, is barbaric. This form of punishment, indeed all forms of criminal justice, truly shows the level to which society has sunk. When people stand outside prisons and cheer as prisoners are murdered, there is a problem. When personal bloodlust is held above moral ideologies, there is a problem. When human life is assigned a value and weighed against other alternatives, there is a problem. The state speaks of Justice, but this word is only a reflection of the confusion,
Tabata et al. (2003) used hydraulic geometry to describe morphodynamics of anastomosing Columbia river. Jain and Sinha (2004) discussed about causative factors and mechanism of fluvial dynamics of anabranching Baghmati river system. In their study they have observed that anabranching phenomena of Baghmati river only occurs along middle river course. The authors suggested that inability to transport high sediment load due to gentle channel slope and dominance of aggradation processes are responsible for anabranching of Baghmati river. Luchi et al. (2007) investigated small alpine river to monitor morphodynamics of channel. Their study reveals that the longitudinal variations in grain size and slope largely determine the braiding intensity of channel thus it signifluences in channel morphodynamics. Schimitt et al. (2007) analysed morphodynamics typology of upper Rhine river basin based on multivariate statistical analysis. Hooke and Yorke, (2010) asserted that the channel morphological changes are not only associated with the spatio-temporal variations in discharge and channel processes but it largely follows the episodic autogenic feedback mechanism. Sinha and Ghosh, (2012) studied dynamics of river channel in eastern Ganga plain. Their study indicates that tectonic tilting, sedimentological readjustments are main causative factors of channel dynamics in the eastern Ganga plain. Nicholas (2013) overviewed morphodynamics diversity of the large alluvial rivers of the world. He