
Family : The Value Of The Family In The Movie

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Family is the one thing that will stick by you through good and bad no matter what. With family you have a bond that can never be broken. Though we may get tired at parents nagging or bossing us around, they do it for the better. They have been through a lot more than we have and probably have done what we are going to do. The Gladiator is a very good example of because of all the misfortunes that happens with family throughout the movie. Sometimes they let us learn on our own to teach us a lesson. That’s how life is, and just because they nag doesn’t mean they do not love us it is because they care. Caring is what makes someone feel loved. Love is what makes us feel wanted. To have someone love and care for us is something lots of people take for granted because family can be gone in the blink of an eye. Then others could argue you have people who leave for no reason.

Family is the most important thing in life because having people to experience life with makes it a lot better. Though we may take it for granted when we are younger, we start to accept that it would be lonely not having someone to enjoy life with. As we get older we start to appreciate what we were given. Even though families get in fights at the end of the day everyone still loves everyone. From this image depicted in the previous slide is a family who is happy. When we are young we always want mom or dad and as we grow up we go into a stage where we barely want anything to do with parents. Parents having

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