
Fall Of The Roman Empire Essay

Decent Essays

Erik Selisker
History of Western Civ
Dr. Su
March 29, 2016

The fall of the Roman Empire and its Affects on the World At the time of the Roman Empire the world saw them as complete law and order. Not only were they considered the world, but they also brought a lot of technology like plumbing and waterpower mills. Without Rome to stabilize Europe it caused the entire continent to break up into many regions. Due to civil wars and the invasions of barbarians businesses and trade routes came to a complete halt. The cites of Rome were all dependent on their trade with one another and once that trade came to a stop the cities all started to fall apart. Once this happened the population started to leave the urban cities and move into the countryside, which were owned primarily by huge landowners. Following the fall of the Roman Empire three societies emerged and it was Western Europe that started as the weakest of these three cultures. The cultures in Western Europe …show more content…

Because of this it was a very prosperous time for these civilizations. On the flip side Western Europe was the complete opposite with producing very little in the way of literary work and cultural creations. This is the reason why this time in history is called the “Dark Ages”. Western Europe was thrown into complete violence during this time in history with no laws and people trying to take control of the countryside. Europe was always being invaded by outside threats like the Byzantines. Slavs and Scandinavians along with many threats coming from their own society. With all the problems Western Europe was having it was the Frankish Kings or as the Romans called them the barbarians that fought each other for supremacy and domination. The only good thing that came of all this fight was that it started the foundation for what we call Western Europe

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